Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 9

“Hey, what’s with the screaming dude” Jeremy said running up the stairs
“Not much just the fact that I have just found my lil bro with Hayley undressing each other” babbled Josh
“Josh calm down its ok” I said
“Lets go back downstairs and wait for them to come down” Suggested Jeremy. Once we got downstairs everyone else started asking the same thing as Jeremy did. We told them about Hayley and Zac and all of them stood there in shock. No one would have thought that they liked each other in that way but now we do. 5 minutes later Hayley and Zac came down and apologised about not telling them sooner about them being together, and told us they have been going out for the past month and a half. After we finished talking about them two, it was 2 am so everyone decided to go to bed because they have a big day ahead of them tomorrow. Everyone started to make their way upstairs to bed, when Taylor turned around and asked where everyone was sleeping. Josh told us that Taylor and Kacey are sleeping in one bed in the spare room and Sarah and Jeremy are sleeping in the other bed in the spare room. Which leave me and Josh in his bed and Zac and Hayley in Zacs. I crawled into bed next to Josh and snuggled up to him and put my head on his chest. I felt his fingers go through my hair a few times, which made me smile. After a couple of minutes I started to fall asleep listening to the sound of Josh’s heart beating.
The next morning I woke up to find that Josh was awake, he heard me moving around and he looked at me.
“Hey, did you sleep well?” He asked
“Yeah best night sleep I have ever had, by the way what time is it?”
“It is half 1” he said while looking at the clock on his phone.
“Wow I slept in late, erm is it ok if I use your shower?”
“Yeah sure, its right through there” he said pointing to the door that was on the other side of the bedroom.
“Thanks” I said as I walked in the bathroom. About an hour later I came out and I saw Josh on his games console. He looked so sexy when he was concentrating.
“So where is everyone?” I asked
“Everyone went home to get ready for later and Zac went to out to Hayleys I think. So we have the house to ourselves” He said as he turned the games console off
“So what cha wanna do” I said with a smirk on my face because I knew that Josh was thinking the same thing as me. He turned around from where he was sat at the bottom of the bed and came over towards where I was lay on his bed. He brushed the hair out of my face, and began to kiss me. The little kisses turned into a mayor make out session, that lasted for a good 15 minutes. I felt Josh’s hands move from my face down to my hips, I thought to myself if his hands go any further down and under my clothes I’m going to have to stop him because as much as I would want to go further, I’m just not 100% ready. Obviously I want my first time to be special and with someone I love and they love me back, but I’m not sure if Josh is likes me as much as I like him. We have been going out for the past 3 weeks and I really like him.
He noticed that I was getting a little tensed as his hand got further down, so he stop and ran his hand back up to my face. Couple minutes after that he pulled away.
“You ok” He asked
“Yeah I’m fine why?”
“You seem preoccupied”
“I was just thinking about stuff”
“Ok, anyways I think its time we made a move on, we have only got a couple of hours before the gig and I gotta practise”
“Okies well I shall see you later then, and good luck for tonight if I don’t see ya before the show” I said as I give him a quick peck on the cheek. I looked at my phone as I walked out of Josh’s house, it was now 5:30, oh my gosh. The gig is at 7 that doesn’t give me much time to get ready. I ran the rest of the way home, once I got there I went straight upstairs and started doing my hair and make up, once I did that I went to my wardrobe and started throwing clothes about. Great I can’t find nothing to wear. After about a hour I got a text of Kacey saying she was coming over to walk with me to the gig. Shit its half 6, I quickly threw on my black skinny jeans on, and a thin strapped Jimmy eat world top and ran downstairs just in time as Kacey was about to ring the doorbell.
Once me and Kacey arrived at the club where the gig was held, these two guys came up to us trying to chat us up they looked like they was in their 20s.
“You do know your flirting with underage girls” Josh said as he walked up to us and put his arm around me. The guys took a hint and went over to the bar area
“Thanks for that” I said
“It’s no problem anyways gotta run were on in 10 minutes” Josh said as he walked towards the backstage doors. Me and Kacey decided that we should make our way to the front of the stage. As we made our way to the dance floor area my fav Jew song came on, Sweetness so I danced all the way through it, I didn’t care if I couldn’t dance I love this song. As that song finished Paramore came on stage. I found that out off Kacey because I forgot to ask Josh the name of the band. Anyways they was great, their music was really good. They played songs called Hello hello, Rewind, Stay away, number 1 and circle. After the rest of the bands played it was time to find out what the talent scout thought of them all and who was going to get a record deal. Kacey and me was sat by the bar waiting for the verdict. 10 minutes past and Hayley came over , she didn’t looked to pleased. She was followed by Zac and Josh.
“So what did he say?” asked Kacey