Lovers Love, Liars Lie

Chapter 7

Within one small moment Oliver and I went from kissing in the kitchen to dancing in the living room. My back was pushed into his chest, his hips meeting the back of mine as we ground into each other provocatively. I felt his hands move from my sides to my hip bones, pulling me closer into his embrace.

By now, I had devoured another two shots and to say I wasn't drunk would be a huge lie; one that I couldn’t get away with telling.

As our bodies moved rhythmically together, Oli lowered his head down to my neck and began to nip at my skill. Conveniently, I lulled my head back and his lips fully attached to my neck. The feeling was like pure ecstasy.

Problem was I didn't want him kissing my neck; my drunken self wanted him to kiss me full on the mouth like in the kitchen. To get my way, I turned myself around and slid my hands up to his neck, pulling his face down to meet mine.

Just as eagerly, Oliver kissed back and almost immediately he turned it into making out. I pulled my body closer to his and didn't protest as his hands ran down my sides and to my ass. His touch was lusty and I was loving it.

I began to play with his hair, running my fingers through his surprisingly soft brown hair. My hands slipped from his hair to the back of his neck, trying to pull him even closer than he was already.

The emotion of lust and loving his touch didn’t last me long. Within a few moments I came back to reality; what the fuck was I doing?

I pushed my hands into Oliver's chest and separated the two of us. He stared at me, eyes questioning my motive. I simply shook my head and started to walk away, "I can't do this."


It was cold outside and my skin was beginning to prickle with goose bumps. I was seated on a bench outside of the hotel, once again shuffling through my purse looking for a cigarette. This time, I was well stocked with a new carton and a new lighter. This was becoming habit for stressful situations.

I breathed in the hot and distasteful air, holding it in for a moment before releasing it and letting it blow away in the wind. After repeating the actions a few times in a row, I took a break and stared ahead at the cars as they passed.

"Taylor!" I sighed as the voice hit my ears; Oliver. Taking one last drag from the cigarette, I threw it to the ground and stood up, turning to face him. "What was that back there, yeh alright?"

Honestly, I wasn't really sure what I should say to him. I could always tell the truth and let him know I was over whelmed; that me being drunk and feeling a connection was scaring me. But I can never make it as simple as telling the truth.

My mind was stumped though, I had no idea what to say in response. No lies were coming to mind; no excuses and no reasons. Why was this happening right now? Usually it was just so easy. So instead of lying I did the next best thing; I shrugged and tried to force a smile, "Sorry."

He eyed me oddly, as if trying to read my mind. Smooth, I thought to myself wishing I could make my palm to my forehead. Our staring match continued for a while until something wet hit the tip of my nose.

I looked around awkwardly and felt it again on my arm. Looking down I noticed a wet drop on my arm just in time to feel three or more hit me also. Oliver was the first to address the water, "I think it's goin' to rain. C'mon back up, yeah?"

After shaking my head 'no' I had to watch Oliver's face fall. I didn't like that, but I didn't want to stick around either. I tried to explain myself before leaving him in the rain, "I'm not feeling the party vibe. Catch you around?"

He shoved his hands into his tight pockets oddly, his eyes watching me through his fringe. Damn this boy is so cute. He nodded, though his expression didn't match his action, "Yeah, see yeh 'round."
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I would love you forever and ever.

forever and always,