Lovers Love, Liars Lie

Chapter 8

After leaving the party, I cursed myself the whole way home. Even after entering my house and changing into pajamas, I was still telling myself how completely stupid I was. I haven't reacted this way to a guy in a long time.

My best remedy was to make some hot coco and watch Scrubs re-runs. As my cup of water spun around slowly in the microwave, I heard my phone's familiar text ring tone go off. After grabbing my phone, I hopped up on the counter before checking it.

'You get home okay?'

I read it a few times over, trying to figure out who could have sent it. It was from an unfamiliar number and had an area code I didn't recognize. Instead of replying with yes or no, I questioned them. 'Who is this?'

Setting my phone down, I and got up to mix the chocolate powder into my coffee mug before sticking it back into the microwave. Once done, my phone went off again. Perfect timing.

'Oh, I should have said. It's Oliver, Kate gave me your number.'

I started to reply, but wasn't sure what to say right away. Instead I got off the counter a second time and removed my drink from the microwave. I set it on the counter and opened the fridge, taking out a can of whipped cream and adding it to the top before walking back to my phone.

'Oh, alright. Yeah, I got home fine.' I replied simply. Once it sent I set my phone down again and stared at it, sipping my hot chocolate. For some reason, I was eager for him to text me back. This isn't good – me being eager and all.

'Good to hear. What are you doing tomorrow? I snatched my phone quickly and read his reply. Was he really about to ask me out? From all that I heard about him, he was usually a one night type of guy.

I wanted control of this situation, for my benefit. So, a mustered up my courage and replied, fingers shaking as they hit each key. 'Nothing, unless you want to do something.'

It took me a good five minutes to send that text. Normally, no matter how much I like to lie or manipulate situations, I'm never this direct about things. When I finally pressed send, I waited around anxiously for the reply.

'[: See you at 7? Text your address.'

Oh jeez, what am I getting myself into now?


After tearing apart my room, including the depths of my closet and my dresser, I decided on an outfit that I had come across the beginning of my clothes escapade. Now I was just plain frustrated that my room was a mess.

I looked over at the clock and mentally slapped myself. It was 6:45 and instead of getting ready for the past hour, I had spent it destroying my room while looking for my clothes.

Quickly, I changed into the outfit I picked and ran into my bathroom. Since I was in a hurry, I only put on mascara, some blush, and lip gloss. I looked more natural that usual. I felt venerable without my usual make-up to hide my face.

I didn't have much time to complain about how I looked. By the time I slipped on my shoes, the door bell noise echoed it's way through my house. I grabbed my purse and exited my room, quickly running down the stairs and towards the door.

In a rush, I turned the corner to the entrance hall a little too quickly and hit my shoulder against it. I curse loudly before continuing down the hall and standing in front of the door. I fixed my hair quickly before pulling it open, the very tattooed Oliver filling my view.

"Hey." I said nervously, smiling up at him. My heart was racing in my chest, but I was hoping it was because I ran from my room to the door and not because Oliver looked very, very good today.

"Why 'ello lovely, yeh ready?" He asked, smiling back. I nodded and stepped outside, shutting the door behind me.

Awkwardly, I followed him out to his car and we got inside. I decided to break the silence, "So, where we going or what are we doing?"

"That’s for me to know, and yeh to find out." He replied mysteriously. I looked over at him and caught him looking back at me. With a wink he turned forward and put the car in drive, leaving my street.


"Really, mini golf?" I asked with a giggle as Oliver pulled into the parking lot of a miniature golf place.

"You 'ave a problem with that?" Oliver asked getting out of the car. I did the same and walked around the front of the car and stood next to him, eyeing the building in front of us. I raised my eyebrow, skeptical about all of this.

"No, it's just a bit cheesy I guess." I told him with a shrug. Like a child, he stuck his tongue out at me before placing his hand on the middle of my back and pushing me along with him.

Twenty minutes later Oliver and I were equipped with small putters and multi colored golf balls and we were headed to hole one. Playfully, I poked Oliver in the leg with my putter, grinning as he turned around to look at me. Being here gave off the child vibe and it was contagious.

In response to me tapping him, Oliver lifted up his putter and jabbed it softly into my side. I shook my head at him and dropped my ball on the little green mat at the start of the first little course. This one had a windmill at the end with a little entrance made for the ball.

I felt Oliver watch me as I hit the ball softly, having it barely reach the entrance of the windmill but not go in. I pouted and looked up at Oliver. He laughed and pushed me lightly out of the way, "This is 'ow yeh do it."

With that he dropped his ball to the ground and it, having it roll to its target perfectly. He looked at me and smirked. I hit him with my putter and walked over to my ball and hit it into the little pocket.

"So how old are yeh?" Oliver asked, striking up a conversation as we reached the next hole. This time, he went first, his ball stopping shortly before the small hole in the ground.

Normally, I would lie right now. Saying I was older or younger than I really was, but I couldn't get myself to lie directly to him, so I replied indirectly. "Old enough, what about you?"

"Heh, alright then. I'm twenty-one." He said, waiting for me to take my turn. As I was about to hit the ball he spoke again, "Old enough does mean legal age, right? 'Cause if not, that might make things a tad awkard."

I held back a laugh as I hit my ball and turned to look at him, "Yes, it means I'm legal."

I didn't lie, I am 19. I'm technically legal, just not legal for drinking, which is exactly why I have a fake I.D.

"Okay, good." Was all he said afterwards. We went a few holes without any talking, only non-verbal communication like stealing looks, playfully nudging each other, and Oliver's occasional smirk.

"So how long is your band in town?" I asked breaking the silence. It was a question on the need to know list. Depending on how long he was staying swayed how much I would lie to him; the longer he staid, the less I would lie. Maybe.

"About a month," He replied with a smile. We were on the second to last hole right now and it was his turn to go first. "We're recording the second half of our newest album 'ere."

"Fun. The album any good?" I asked smirking at him.

I walked over to the start of this hole and set my ball down, about to hit it. Oliver walked towards me and I paused, looking to see what he was doing. He walked up behind me and put his tattooed arms around me, his hands covering mine over the putter. Oliver rested his chin on my shoulder and, in synch, took my hands back with his before moving them forward again to make contact with the ball. It went directly into the hole.

"I'd say it's pretty good." He said quietly into my ear. He kissed under my ear quickly and pulled away from me before grabbing my ball and his and heading towards the final hole.
He left me standing there for a moment, my heart racing and confused about what to say.

We finished the last little course in silence, sending each other flirty looks every now and then. He was having an effect on me and, good or bad, I was reacting to it. You would have thought after all the years I convinced myself out of feelings for people, I wouldn't crack this easy, but I think I was.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not sure if I'm liking this story,
like I have the plot all set in my head,
and things to come later,
but as for now, it's like slowly leading up,
and I think it sucks.

Let me know what you think,
or if you have any suggestions..

Forever and always,