Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 13


"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously but Nicholas' touch was skyrocketing my pulse and sending heat flaming through my body.
"This book is a copy of only two. They're beginning laws of the Senate." he said matter-of-factly, and dropping his hand.
I looked down at the book, my eyes widening as I brushed the leather-backed cover. I flipped through the worn pages my fingers brushing over the light brown pages as I looked at the words. "Nicholas where did you find this?" I asked looking up to his perfect face.
"I found it." he started. "I, uh, found it in the library on the outside of town. I never knew it would come into use until now." he chuckled running a hand through his curls, making them distraught.
I was dumb-founded. Why would this be in the public library for the town? If you ask me, this should be kept at the castle, but- what in the world? I started to skim the page I had stopped on and it showed the laws and arrangements of marriage of a young bride in the Royal Family.

"My lady." Someone had come through the door.
"Yes?" I perked my head up, closing the book.
"You have wedding details to attend to." the young girl replied.
I nodded my head. "Of course," I sighed. "Thank you."
She stood there for a moment. "Um, could you please give us a moment?" I smiled.
"Certainly." she said hurriedly and curtsied. As soon as she was out of the ballroom I turned back to Nicholas.
"Please tell me I am not the only one who knows how to read."
Nicholas chuckled. "I was trained here as a boy, I know how to read."
I smiled but it faded too quickly. "I need to read this section on the laws of marriage. I have no time to at the moment, as you can see. You need to read them quickly and understand them perfectly." I handed the book to him.

"Of course." he replied, a sense of determination colored his voice.
"And please, whatever you do, do not get in sight of Marco when reading this. It could only mean trouble." I stressed.
Nicholas nodded his head. I heard a cough as the young girl stood in the doorway. I looked at her then back to Nicholas. I curtsied and started to walk past him, only to stop after a couple of steps. "I love you." I said quietly, as Nicholas smiled. I continued to walk to the door after the servant.

She lead me to the throne room where my mohter stood waiting along with Marco at her side. "My dear." she smiled at me and threw her arms around me in a hug. "Can you believe your wedding is only a few days away now?" she held my shoulders.
"No." I said truthfully.
She took a look at me, her head to cocked to one side before saying something else. "Come! Come!" she said excited and both of us walked to where Marco stood with a smirk on his face. She faced me towards him. "Now how does this look with white all around you and the minister here in front of you.?"
I looked around the room and did imagine all the white, and the flowers, and the minister, but of course it wasn't Marco who was at my side.

I felt warm hands wrap themselves around my own but when I looked to what was in front of me, I felt repulsed. I could have become sick right then and there and.. well I knew what would happen after that.
"Now see, doesn't that seem nice?" My mother asked, a smile still spread upon her face.
"I-I-I don't know what to say." I stuttered.
Marco smiled. "She's speechless, your Highness." He chuckled.
My mother's smile widened. "Are you really that speechless dear?" she took my face between her hands.
I nodded my head and faked a slight smile, but it faded all too quickly. "Oh my child, it's all right." she engulfed me in another embrace.
Marco finally let go of my hands. Oh, I needed to wash them but for now I'll have to settle for wiping them on the back of my dress when no one was looking.

"Now," she looked to Marco. "We have some fittings to attend to and so do you, my dear sir." she smiled. "And we can't have you seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding." Belinda wagged a finger at him.
Marco chuckled. "Of course, my lady." he pulled her hand into his and bowed while kissing it. My mother chuckled and turned a shade of pink.
"Well my goodness." she placed a hand over her upper chest.
Marco grinned, though I believe it more out of the fact that he had my parents wrapped around his finger than out of the happiness that seemed to engulf everyone this day.
I rolled my eyes and let out a breath as Marco exited the room. "Now," my mother continued. "You have to try on your dress." she smiled.
I sighed. "Yes mother." And soon we were walking to my parents room.

Later On...
Nicholas' POV

I hurried home after working in the kitchen with the book in my satchel and rain starting to dot the ground with its drops. The clouds, although ominous, seemed to have a new hope that once it rained there would be a new sense of freshness to everything. Hopefully, Joseph and Paul would be able to help me the next few days. With the wedding closing in fast, a man can only hope.
There's two options, even if I find a way out of the marriage, she could still go through with the wedding to please her parents, or she'll be locked in the castle and I still won't see her again.

Walking through the door, hoping to find Dahlia waiting for me. I only found the fireplace in the kitchen lit and Joseph and Paul lounging in chairs.
"Boys, I need your help." I said taking the book out.
"We're not boys, Nicholas, we're men." Joseph chuckled as he pulled his arm up, trying to give the effect of muscle.
"Of course you are, Joseph." I said sarcastically.
Paul chuckled. "What is it?" he asked.
"I found this, and showed it to Dahlia." I held up the leather-bound. "She started to look through it, and found a place that shows the terms of marriage in the Royal Family. She says she needs me to read through it and understand it perfectly in order to abolish the marriage." I explained.
They looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders. "Okay."

I opened the book on the table and since it was only big enough for one person to read at a time I sat down and began immersing myself in all the old laws of the sometimes hard to read manuscript. Paul stood behind me reading over my shoulder. Apparently at the moment, Joseph didn't want to either care or crowd.
I shook my head as the laws became more intricate. My eyes started to close slowly after a while and they shot open as my head slid off my hand.

Dahlia's POV

Once I had gotten up to my room, I found my window open and rain dripping down the side of the stone and onto the floor. The rain had already made a puddle on the floor. I chuckled lightly and walked over to close my window, but I only found myself staring out towards the town with the lamps lit along the streets and people bustling to get out of the rain. Their shadows only made me wish I was out there more. I held out my hand and sighed as a smile spread across my face as the cool drops caressed my hand.

I pulled my hand back in as I heard thunder roll, but before I closed my window I looked out to the town one more time. "I hope you find a way, Nicholas." I whispered and looked up to the sky. Closing my window, I put more wood in the fire before changing into a nightgown and climbing into my bed.

Goodnight Nicholas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, does anybody besides me think I might be moving too fast with this part, do you think I should stretch it more or not? Because right now, I'm at a loss. haha.

Please comment. I know I haven't updated in forever but seriously I'd love to hear from you guys!
This might be a filler-ish sort of one but I think it was kinda cute in a way, you know? :]
Anywho... I'm so sorry for my absence in writing at least, I just haven't been able to feel like writing. Hope you understand. Thanks for reading!
xoxo, Juliet

P.S. what do you guys think of the new layout? should I go back to the other one?
I need reviews, please :]