Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 14

Tonight. Tonight’s the night before the wedding and I have not seen any sign of Nicholas the past few days. I’m starting to worry but what possibly could have happened to him in only a few days? Oh dear Lord, please don’t tell me Marco got to him. I looked up at the ceiling in the ballroom. I sat in my mother’s thrown, and looked around the room. Tapestries hung from the level above that overlooked the ballroom floor and some were glowing with the moonlight coming through the windows. White was everywhere and vases were on every table and every place that my mother could think of. Tomorrow they would be overflowing with flowers. Arrangements of purple, pink, and red filled my mind as I imagined what it might look like. Those imaginings were interrupted by mother who came into the room flocked with designers and such as they made the last minute plans for everything to be “just right”. Those plans didn’t seem to include the man I wanted.

All I could think of was Nicholas, all day, for the past three days. Every part of me was praying he had found the way out of this dreadful marriage. Tomorrow, I’d be walked down the isle to my certain doom. Well, that’s at least how I like too put it. Not to mention if this wedding happens, which is looking like it is, Aero will take over the Italian Senate and I don’t know what will happen to me. That and I’m not sure what he actually has planned. I just know it won’t be good.

“Sweetheart?” My mother’s voice chimed.
“Yes?” I raised my head off my hand.
“You need to go upstairs and try to get some sleep. I know your nerves are probably getting to you right now but don’t you want to look your best tomorrow?” she asked.
I sighed and nodded my head. It was getting harder and harder to pretend that I was looking forward to tomorrow. “All right then, go upstairs, hun. Get some rest.” she soothed.
I stood up and walked up rounding staircase to the double doors and through the halls until I made it into my room. With a heavy sigh escaping my lips, I collapsed on my back on top of the bed. “Why does tomorrow have to come so soon?” I asked to the still air surrounding me.


Nicholas’ POV

“Nicholas? Nicholas?” I felt a hand nudge me awake.
“What?” I picked my head up off of the table and looked around.
“Nicholas, you fell asleep again, you need to go upstairs and just hope you find something tomorrow morning.” Paul said to me.
“No, I don’t have time. I need to find something that will get Dahlia out of her marriage. I promised her.” I looked up to my older brother.
He sighed. “Okay, make sure that you do get some sleep tonight, please.” He said and then went off upstairs to his room.
I took a deep breath and looked back down at the little leather-bound book. “I just need something, just anything.” I said to myself.

A few more hours of trying to keep my eyes awake and all it got me was towards the end of the book. What am I to do? My eyes suddenly came across a few words that stopped my heart. A princess or prince of the Italian Senate may marry nobility within the ranks of Italy but they may also marry a member of the Jonas family nobility of French decent to keep the peace between our two nations.

What? How can that be? I don’t remember ever being in France or being nobility. How could something like this be hidden from me? Did my parents not say something before they left to explore other parts of Europe? I can’t be nobility, I’m not even cut out for it. I’m nothing special, but I’ve finally found my proof.


The next day..
Dahlia’s POV

“Good morning, Dahlia.” My mother came into my room and greeted me.
I looked at her from the chair next to the window. “Good morning, Mother.” I replied
A smile was plastered on her face. “Are you ready to get ready for you wedding today?”
I put on the same charade that I had been for days “As ready as I’ll ever be.” My fake smile being worn again.
“All right then. Come, come, let’s get you ready!” she said delighted and grabbed my hand and took me down to her bedroom to be primped and pampered for my “big day.” It was so big if you ask me. I wanted to partake in none of it.

About an hour later I was in my wedding gown, that was being perfected. Though I’m not sure how it could be more perfect. “Ouch.” I said as a pin was accidentally stuck into my side.
“I’m sorry, ma’ lady.” the seamstress apologized.
“Oh, it’s quite all right.” I replied and hoped that no blood would get on my dress. I may not like the groom, but I love the dress.
The two women kept tailoring on my dress while my head was off somewhere else where there were worries sprawled out into oceans.

A few more hours and my hair had been done, my face painted supposedly like a picture and I thought there was nothing else to do. My stomach was twisted in knots and I was worried that Nicholas wouldn’t make it. I don’t want to marry that ridiculous scoundrel that has a name of Marco!
My father walked in with a booming voice. “Look at my darling daughter!” he smiled.
“Here I am.” I said.
“My goodness you look so beautiful, Dahlia.” he held my face in his hands.
I looked down and chuckled. “Thank you, Father.” I replied.
“Now, all we have to do is add this finishing touch.” My mother smiled and went over to the makeup table and picked up a small crown.

As soon as she placed it on my head, I looked toward the mirror. She placed her hands on my shoulders. “You look perfect, dear.” she said to me.
I only nodded my head. I was astonished that all this had been done in a few hours, I actually looked quite nice. “Now, we’ll come get you when it’s all ready.” she said.
“Okay.” I replied and that’s when my parents exited the room.
Not 10 minutes later I heard a commotion outside. I walked over to the window to see a struggling person trying to get past two guards at the gate. I squinted my eyes and saw a head of curly hair. Was that Nicholas?

My eyes widened as I saw a young man dressed in his very best and apparently running very late. I opened the window. “Let him in! If he wants to see the wedding, everyone in the province was invited!” I yelled.
The guards and the young man looked up to me. The men backed off and let him through. I could tell it was Nicholas, he had made it.
“Dahlia, we’re ready for you.” my father said.
I nodded my head and picked my dress off of the floor and followed him down the corridor to a pair of double doors. They opened to reveal pairs of eyes all looking back at me. I gulped.

Marco stood in front of everyone, the minister standing behind him and my mother up off of the platform. Please Nicholas, get here. I prayed.


Nicholas’ POV

I ran through the corridors towards the ballroom. I had to make it in time, the ceremony didn’t start hopefully for another few minutes.
My feet carried me quickly to a set of double doors, there were no men standing there but when I pulled on the handles the doors were locked somehow. They were huge, how could they be locked?
I looked around, there’s another way into the ballroom, but it will be too late to get there.
I heard the organ behind the closed doors. “No, no, no.” I said to myself, frustrated. “A-ha.” I saw where the doors were latched. I just needed something to get it open with.
There was a suit of armor in the hallway, it was down a ways but I think I could make it.

I ran down that way and stopped to a halt in front of the suit and pulled the spear out of the hand of the lifeless shape. Once I made it back to the doors, I pressed my ear up to them. The minister was speaking and moving very quickly might I add.
I pushed the spear up towards the blockade and started to get it out of the way. My arms lost their feeling, they felt too heavy to move. I pulled them down and gasped for breath. Sweat had already started forming on my brow. This was not going well.

Dahlia’s POV

Where was Nicholas? I know he’s here. Bailey and Emily are here with Paul and Joseph, but where is he? The minister kept on with his talkings and the vows were coming up soon. Nicholas! I cried to myself. Nicholas, where are you?!
“Do you Marco Zegara take Miss Dahlia Lucrea, to be your wife and your queen? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in your life of nobility, ‘til death do you part?” The minister said.
“I do.” Marco smiled at him and then at me, though I could see in his eyes weren’t filled with love, they were filled with deceit and hatred. Dastardly deeds awaited Italy if Nicholas didn’t get in here!

“Do you, Dahlia Lucrea, take Marco Zegara, to be your husband and your king? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in your life of nobility, ‘til death do you part?” The minister looked at me.
“I-“ I began to stutter. “I-“
“Come now, love, say it.” Marco said through his teeth but still had that smile I hate warped onto his face.
“I-“ I began again and looked around the room. Looking at Joseph, who was looking right at me with a worried look.
I gulped.

“I object!” I heard a voice crystal clear ring through the ballroom.
I went and picked up my dress and walked a few paces toward the center of the room. Up on the balcony there stood Nicholas.
I smiled. “She doesn’t have to marry him!” he panted.
Guards flew up the stairs and tried to grab him. “Stand down!” I heard my father yell above the growing murmur around the room.
The guards looked down to my father who was looking straight up to Nicholas. “You have this only chance to speak. Now speak.” His jaw hardened.

Nicholas bowed slightly and walked down the stairs. “It says here in this book,” he took out the leather bound book and opened it to a page. “That a princessa may marry a nobility of Italy but she may also choose a member of the Jonas family nobility from France to keep the peace between their two nations.” He somewhat read.
A smile crept across my face. There was another way. And – wait did he just say ‘Jonas’?
I looked over to him as I lost my smile. The whole world stopped. The crowd made a unified gasp.

“There are no sons of the Jonas family in France.” my father countered. “So there is no other way.”
“Father,” I said and ran over to Nicholas and flung my arms around him. “I think he has another thing to say.” I explained.
Nicholas looked down at me. “Uh, yes, yes I do.”
“And that would be?” my mother encouraged. Apparently she found amusement in this.
“My last name is Jonas, somehow I think I’m linked to the Jonas family talked about in this book.” I smiled and looked over to Joseph and Paul whose mouths were agape. “And I love your daughter.”
♠ ♠ ♠
OH MA' GOODNESS! i know right?! lol
Next chapter is the finale, I've decided against a sequel, unless I get all of my subscribers commenting. Then I might rethink, but I make no promise, it all depends how the next chapter will come out.

Please please please comment. For me, it takes a couple of hours to type this up but it only takes a few seconds to comment.
Hopefully you've enjoyed the ride of this story so far, thanks for reading!