Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 2

(Dahlia's POV)

I finished my pastry - which I still did not know the name of- and licked my fingertips. I grinned at Joseph, who was staring off into space again. I chuckled under my breath and picked up my canvas bag, when he looked over to me again. "Leaving so soon?" he asked.
"I must." I said regretfully. "I have to make it back to my room too soon to stay. I'm sorry." I added apologetically.
"It's alright, I'm sorry that you can't stay here." Joseph smiled at me.
"Exactly, you know how i feel about living up there all the time." I got up off the chair that I was sitting on.
Paul smiled at me. "Well you can come here anytime, and you know that."
I smiled back. "Thank you, Paul."
We embraced each other in a hug before I turned back to Joseph. "Thank you, for helping me to start my day off well this morning." I smiled at him.
"You're welcome. Glad to be of service, senora." he bowed jokingly.
I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick hug as well. I pulled three Euros out of my bag and handed them to him. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, which I wasn't expecting because it was accustomed to nobility, but then I remembered again that I was nobility, *sigh*. "Well then, goodbye Paul." I smiled at him whole-heartedly "Joseph." I said with a teasing glint in my eyes. He smiled back and Paul handed me the painting that I had gotten from him.

I exited the bakery just as the sun was coming up behind the mountains. I crossed the square again and made it to the field. I couldn't run with my new painting so I enjoyed my walk across the grass; feeling the blades brush against my ankles as I went. I passed through the gate and turned around to make sure nobody was following me and when I turned back- SMACK!
I collided with somebody. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I stood back up and brushed myself off. I looked up to see a young man with a blue tunic.
"No, the fault was, entirely, mine." his speech slowed as he saw me.
I looked at his eyes, the deepest chocolate brown I think I have ever seen. We stood there for a moment before he cleared his throat and spoke again. "Um, I'm incredibly sorry." he said to me.

I stood there motionless as I just looked at his eyes. I cleared my throat. "No problem whatsoever." I assured and picked up my painting on the ground. Hopefully it wasn't ruined.
"You must know a painter." he smiled at me.
"Yes I do." I smiled back.
A moment of silence passed between us, I not knowing what to say, and he probably wondering why the princessa was outside and not sleeping in the castle. I looked at his strong features that looked to be a little bit older than his eyes let on about, but yet still his age. A strong chin, perfectly shaped lips, tanned skin, and waves of curly brown hair.

"Are you lost?" he asked.
"Uh, no. I was.. sent to fetch this and bring it Dahlia's room." I replied. Yeah, I'll go with that I guess.
"Oh, well then. I'm Nicholas, I work here. Would you like me to bring it to her?" he inquired.
I looked a little nervous. "No, no, that's quite all right. She requested me to bring it to her." I told him and started to walk to my room.
"Okay, then. But may I ask you something?"
I stopped and looked back at him over my shoulder.
"What is your name?" Nicholas looked at me expectantly.
I looked back in front of me nervously, then looked back at him. "My name is, Lia." I lied. This young man must have worked deeper in the castle if he didn't recognize me.

"Well then, Lia, I will see you somewhere around this big place." he smiled. His smile set him apart from a number of men that I have ment. This one made my knees feel weak and yet made me feel as strong as a stone wall all at the same time. Nicholas' smile did look oddly familiar though, but I brushed it off.
"Very well then, I will see you sometime, Nicholas." I smiled back and my eyes met his gaze for a final time before I turned around and walked into the castle and up to my room.
Thank goodness he didn't recognize my face otherwise he would not have been so informal with me. I do not like my title to be the judge of who I am, it makes me feel as though I have no choice. Not that I really do anyway.

I slid the key into the keyhole and turned the lock and went inside. I shut the door quietly with my back against it. I closed my eyes grateful that no one else saw me. Except for Nicholas, not that I mind meeting him. I smiled to myself and placed the painting on my bed. It still looked marvelous, no harm done to it at all. Thank you for my lovely luck. I sighed and pulled my bag off my shoulder and put it back into my where I found it only a little while earlier. I went behind my "changing fence" as I called it when I needed a good laugh. I slipped out of my light blue dressed that I loved dearly and put on a gown that I wear to show my position and title. The short sleeves gripped to my shoulders and the body to my middle. I sighed and went over to my mirror and put up my hair in a bun with a weave over it.

I sat on my clothes chest after that and picked up a book entitled 'Utopia' and began picking up reading where I had left off last night.
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Okay so my Italian was pretty common so yano, hopefully you guys know haha.
thanks to whoever's reading this, it's appreciated.

please comment, i want to know how good this is actually. thanks :)