Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 3


(Dahlia's POV)

As I sat there, reading Utopia for more than likely the hundredth time. There came to be knock on my door. "Dahlia, are you awake sweetheart?" I heard Lord Marco's voice from
the other side.
I sighed and opened my door. "Why look it who it is this morning. Lord Marco himself."
I faked a smile. I knew better than to be talking to this arrogant, low-life whom my parents
had picked for me to be betrothed to sooner or later. Hopefully later considering the
circumstances still. I still had to go through masquerades upon masquerades looking for
nobility to win my heart over. Like I wanted that. I would rather be out in the field stargazing
and watching the fireworks go off among the daises.

"Good morning, your Highness." he bowed showing his respect.
"Good morning, now please help yourself to anything that the servants in the kitchen have
prepared for breakfast. I will be down soon thank you." I said the last part slightly through
my teeth.
"Well then, I will meet you down there." he kissed my cheek.
I strained a smile as he walked away and I closed my door. I rubbed my cheek. Oh, gross.
I walked over to my mirror and checked to make sure that I looked decent. Okay I guess
it'll have to do.

I walked across my room, opened the door, and walked downstairs to the dining room.
There sat Lord Marco, admiring himself in a hand mirror and having one of his servants
shine his boots. I always knew he was self-absorbed but not like this. Goodness gracious,
that man could take up a whole country with that big head of his. He looked down to his
boots, "Those are not good enough. Ugh, out of my sight." The servant bowed with a
disgusted look. His boots looked perfectly fine, as if they were brand new, some people
didn't have the luxury of having servants. They were completely fine.

I sighed and sat down across from him at the table, as my parents filed in and sat in their
rightful seats. I shook my head as the servants from the kitchen placed a plate in front of
me. I smiled though, and thanked them quietly. One servant walked in with a plate and
set it in front of Marco. He looked up at me, and I realized right then and there.

My eyes diverted away from his face and down to my plate as I can imagine him thinking
that I looked familiar. Though I looked nothing like I did earlier now. "Let us say grace."
my father said as he started to speak. After that, I picked up a fork and began to eat the
wonderfully prepared meal.

(Nicholas's POV)

I walked out of the kitchen with a plate towards the table. I set the plate in front of Lord
Marcus. My eyes looked up to see Lady Dahlia sitting across the table from him. She looked
strangely familiar but I shook it off. Probably just seeing her around the castle to many
times. Though she did seem a bit nervous as we had eye contact, which I knew wasn't
exactly a good idea.

I walked back across the room and into the kitchen again. I walked to a table with a ball
of dough on it. Just like back at the bakery. I rubbed some flour on my hands and put
some on the dough as well. My mindset focused on my job here, except it didn't stay
there for long. My mind drifted back to the girl this morning. Lia. That was a nice name.
The painting was beautiful too. It looked like something Paul would paint. Huh, ironic.

I placed the dough into a pan and set it in the oven. I think Joseph has rubbed off on me,
because I never used to enjoy to cook until he showed me how to. Funny, that he would
be the one to do that to me. I would've thought Paul more, but oh well.


(Dahlia's POV)

I made my way upstairs from breakfast and back to my room. I could hear my dress
trailing behind me. I'd much rather be in my light blue dress and with Paul. He was the
one who inspired me to paint, thanks to him I was sneaking out and getting supplies.
I wish I could just be a painter instead of here, not as much duties as a painter.

My 7-year-old brother, Luke, came to my room. "May I come in, Dahlia?" he asked sweetly.
"Of course, Luke, come in." I smiled as I saw him.
"Aren't you excited for the masque tonight?" he asked with a gleam in his eye.
I sighed. "I suppose." I said stroking his hair.
"But tonight could be the night that you could find somebody that could help you with
the Senate." he said matter-of-factly.
I smiled at his hopefulness. "I understand that, Luke, but nothing says it couldn't be
another few until I find him."
He shook his head. "I think it's going to be tonight." he explained.
"Well then, we'll just have to now won't we?" I smiled.
"Yep." he said cheerfully. "Well I think mother wants to try and help me for later."
he sighed now.
I chuckled. "And as far as I can tell you would rather be running around this place right?"
He smiled. "Of course I would. I hate getting all dressed up for these." he stuck out his
tongue. "Well, bye." and with that he left.

I sat there and thought for a moment. I wonder if I could catch one of the messengers
before the went to deliver the invitations. Hm, if I run I suppose. I got up and made my
way downstairs and out to the stables. I saw Ethan there still. "Ethan!" I called to him.
He looked over to me. "Yes Lady Dahlia?" he asked.
"Could you please deliver another invitation for me?" I asked as I stopped in front of him.
"Of course." he smiled.
I smiled back. "Please go to the Piccola Pistrina and give the young men there an invitation."
"Okay." he looked questioningly at me.
"They're friends of mine." I smiled.
He nodded his head with an understanding smile and mounted his horse. "Well then, I will."
he replied.
"Thank you." I told him as he took off out down the dirt path to the roads.

(Nicholas's POV)

I was at the bakery and in the kitchen with Joseph when I heard the door open and close
in front. I wiped my hands on my apron and walked out. Then I saw Ethan, what was he
doing here. He was one of the messengers for the masque tonight. "Hello Ethan." I said
to him.
"Hello." he replied simply.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I got a message straight from Lady Dahlia saying to come here
and give you and your household an invitation." he said.
I was taken aback. "Oh, well then."
"Here you go, Nicholas." he handed me an envelope. "Well I've got to run the rest of these
invitations to the rest of the townsfolk. I'll see you tonight." and with that he left.

"Joseph!" I called as I walked back into the kitchen.
"Yeah?" he asked as he slid another few pastries into the oven.
"We just got an invitation to the masque tonight. Ethan said it was straight from Lady
Dahlia that she wanted us to come." I explained.
He stiffened some. "Oh really?" he looked at me a little shocked as well.
I nodded my head and held out the envelope. Joseph wiped his hands on his apron and
took it from me. He read over it quickly. "Well then, I suppose that means we have to go
then don't we?"
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, i'm sorry to bailey and emily for not being able to put you into this chapter haha.
but you will however be included in the next one, i just didn't think it would be that long to get to a point where I would be able to start the masque but tomorrow hopefully that will come about. thanks for bearing with me.

also a big thank you to my few readers. i love you! :)

comment please and i will be influenced to want to write more.
also sorry for the wierd layout of words, i transfered the chapter from a notepad :/