Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 5


(Dahlia's POV)

I searched through the crowd, looking for anyone that I knew. I saw Marco walking around like a fool with his chin up towards the ceiling. I laughed, but then he started to walk in my direction. I turned around and started walking another direction with my head down. I bumped into someone's back. He turned around. "Oh I'm sorry, Lady Dahlia." Paul said to me.

I looked up to his face as my hand flew to my chest. "Oh thank God it's just you."
"Good to see you too." he laughed.
"I'm sorry. I thought you might've been somebody else. But I'm glad you were able to come." I smiled at him as music started.
"Dahlia!" I heard Marco's voice above everything else.

I turned around to see him walking in my direction again. "Paul, do me the biggest favor in your life and dance with me." I asked with a pleading look.
"What are you talking about?" he looked around. I took his chin in my hand and pointed it in Marco's direction. "Oh, that's him?"
"Yes, now please do me a huge favor." I said as he looked back at me and I let go of his jaw.

He grabbed my hand, knowing the urgency, and put his other hand on my side as Lord Marco waltzed over. "Dahlia, my dear, there you are." he said as he saw me.
I stopped dancing with Paul and looked at him. "Here I am." I said with a chuckle through my clenched teeth.
"Well then, would you mind if I took over now, signore?"* he asked Paul.
"Of course not." he slightly smiled, then bowed. I looked at him trying to give him the how-could-you?! look. He looked sorry then turned around and bumped into Bailey. I chuckled as soon as I saw Paul turn a shade of red. Wow, never thought that could happpen.

As Marco took me by the hand and started dancing with me, I caught a glimpse of Paul bowing with a smile and started to dance with Bailey. Aw, that was so sweet. I smiled to myself, then remembered I was dancing with Marco.
"How would you like to go someplace with me? Like private?" he asked in my ear.
I looked at him, my eyes widening with anger. I took my hand and brought it up into contact with his face. "You arrogant, self-centered, perverted, maiale!* I would never, in my wildest dreams or yours go anywhere with you!" I said in a louder voice than needed.

He held the side of his face as I turned and walked away. No one had noticed the scene that had just taken place. Thanks to the music, I suppose. I walked to a chair, in which I sat down in. My mother came over to me followed by a young man around the age of seventeen, I think.
"Dear, this is the Prime Minister of Spain's son. He's here on business but decided to come tonight." she smiled as she introduced him.
I stood up as she said that and looked at the boy. "Um, hi." he said nervously.
"Hi." I replied surprised by his amazing accent.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked holding out a hand.
"Oh, I-I couldn't..." I looked down.
"Dahlia, please, for this young man's sake." my mother told me.
I sighed. "Sure." I placed a hand in his and grabbed my dress off the floor as he led me back out to dance.
He put a hand on my back as we started to dance and I finally started to enjoy myself. Except for this was still a bachelor parade. Ugh.

The song ended and he let me go. "Goodbye, senorita. I had a lovely time." he kissed my hand as I blushed some. He walked away, and I turned around.
"Sombody was getting some Spanish romance." I heard Emily behind me, smiling.
"Well he wasn't half bad, you know." I chuckled.
She smiled at me again." I have some exciting news to tell you, by the way."
"Oh? And what would that be?' I asked intrigued.

"I danced with the most handsome young man earlier." she smiled bigger. "He was so sweet!"
"Oh really." I smiled. "And who, might I ask is this fine young man?"
She smiled and looked toward a young man about Joseph's height and dress. Wait a minute, that is Joseph. My mouth dropped down into an unbelieving smile. "Joseph Adam Jonas!" I laughed.
"Yes?" he asked with an ear-to-ear smlie spreading across his face. He gave me a hug and I looked back at Emily.

"You know each other?" she said.
I looked at Joseph nervously. "Yes actually, he works at my favorite bakery in the square." I said.
"Oh." she simply said with a smile. "Well at least I don't have to do introductions." she chuckled.
"But anyway, yes, he is a fine young man." I grinned. "Now, you two go off and dance. I've got bachelors lined up to dance." I shook my head in frustration and rolled my eyes.
"I'll see you later then, Dahlia. Please make sure not to disappear again." she smiled at me and went off with Joseph.

I sighed, she was amazingly lucky. No one had asked me to dance at the moment so I decided to go get some water.

(Nicholas's POV)

I saw my brothers with two women. I sighed and looked around to find pletny of young women, but not the one I was looking for. Then I saw Lady Dahlia alone for the first time in ages. I walked in the direction sh ewas, only to be stopped by a man asking her to dance. I shook my head. I would never get a chance to even dance with her.

I walked over to get a drink and found a ring on the table. I wonder if this is Dahlia's? I shrugged my shoulders and slid it on one of my fingers. I would get a chance to at least return this to her. Song after song went by and about three other men had danced with her. I set my glass down and decided to go and take a shot to dance with her.

I walked over to the two people and tapped on the man's shoulder. "Excuse me, but may I take over?" I asked with a polite smile.
The man smiled at me and bowed to Lady Dahlia in respect. She curtsied in return then looked at me. "Um, firstly, I found this and I was wondering if it was yours?" I asked and held the ring up.
"Oh, thank you! I was wondering if I had left it over there." she smiled at me and carefully took it from in between my fingers.
I smiled back. "And secondly, I was wondering if you would like to dance?" I looked hopeful and outstretched my hand towards her.

She bit her lip, and looked at me. "You may." she smiled lightly and placed her hand in mine.

(Dahlia's POV)

I bit my bottom lip as I was asked by Nicholas to dance. "You may." I answered his question with a nervous smile. Though I was trying to keep my nerves down. I put my hand in his and he pulled me close to him with a hand on my side. I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked past the mask into the chocolate brown eyes I had been thinking about all day.

(with the Majesties)

"I don't believe that's a young man that we had picked out." Belinda looked at her husband.
He stared down to the young couple dancing. "I don't believe so dear." he replied and put a hand to his face, thinking.
"Should we tell her about the other men waiting then?" Queen Lucrea asked.
"No, leave them be. She looks happy for the first time tonight." he said.

(with the boys and the ladies)

"She looks like she's enjoying herself now." Bailey said as the group looked at the two dancing figures.
Paul chuckled. "And with my dreamer of a brother." he shook his head.
"That's your brother?" Lady Emily asked.
"Yes, as a matter of fact." Joseph replied holding her hand in his own. Emily blushed.
"Well at least they look like they're having a good time." Bailey pointed out as Kevin pulled her close to his side.

(Dahlia's POV)

My favorite song started up as me and Nicholas danced. Iris, one of the most beautiful things I'd ever heard. I started to sing the words in my head. And I don't want the world to see me. Cuz I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken. I just want you to know who I am.
Nicholas spinned me and brought me back to him. His face was close to me and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. It was coming out in an uneven rate and I realized he was humming.
He knows my song. I smiled up at him.

"What he asked." with a smile.
"You know my favorite song." I replied.
"Oh do I?" he asked with a sly grin.
I chuckled and looked at my dress and back at his face. "As a matter of fact you do. You now know my weakness."
He smiled at me again. "And what would that be?"
"Music." I replied simply.
He chuckled and looked at me. Actually more at my eyes. I looked back up at him and wished I could just tell him that it was me. I was Lia. I can't believe I had lied. Now I regret it.

The song ended and Nicholas let go of my hand rather hesitantly and bowed. I curtsied. "I'll see you around." I smiled.
"Of course you will, Lady Dahlia." he dipped his head.
I shook mine as the next bachelor came along and I still daydreamed about Nicholas.


I went up to my room and changed into my blue dress again and my apron. I kept the ring on my finger. I smiled as I looked down at it. I took the mask off my face and went over to my window the fireworks were just about to go off. I must hurry if I want to catch them.

I grabbed an old blanket and ran down the stairs in my slippers and slipped out the back gate. I layed the blanket on the ground and layed on top of it among the daisies. I looked up at the bright flashes of light when I heard the gate swing open. I looked over to see Nicholas coming out of it. Did I pick a bad time to come out here or what?

"Lia?" he asked.
"Why hello there Nicholas." I smiled as if I hadn't noticed him before then.
He walked over to me and crouched down next to me. "I see someone shrugged off her duties tonight. Why didn't you go to the masque tonight?"
"I truely didn't feel the need too. I had no idea that you would've been there." I chuckled to still find the black mask still over his eyes. "Besides I had nothing to wear to such a thing."
"Well that wouldn't have mattered." he smiled. "What are you doing out here anyway?"
"Stargazing and watching the fireworks." I smiled back.

"Mind if I join you for a few minutes?" he asked a little hopeful.
I smiled. "Not at all, I would love company."
He smiled at me and sat down on the other side of me. I layed back and looked up at the sky. Nicholas did the same thing. "They're really good tonight." I told him.
"Oh yeah?" he looked over at me and smiled.
"Yeah." I smled back.

We sat there for a few minutes and it felt like it would never end. I didn't want it to. Then he spoke up. "Well I must get back to my home, but thank you for giving me a new experience." he smiled.
"Anytime." I returned.
He stood up and brushed himself off. "I guess I will see you around again." he said to me.
"Of course." I smiled at him.
He smiled and started to walk away, I heard the sound of the gate closing again and a slightly soft sigh of contentment from Nicholas.

I looked over to him looking at me and a rose laying on the stone fence. He jumped at me looking at him and I laughed and looked back at the stars. After he left, I got up and walked over to the gate, picked up the rose, and smiled. I went inside and up to my room to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
first of all, sorry for all the different viewpoints. XD haha.

and second of all. your vocab lesson in Italian-
signore- sir, [sin-your-ay]
maiale- pig (i know what you're thinkin but i thought it was funny)

song credit: Iris- GooGoo Dolls

also to make everything clear- Bailey you got the green dress and Em you got the blue one :)