Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 6


(Dahlia's POV)

I woke up the next morning to the wind blowing on my window. Boy was it loud. It sounded like a storm or something. That's when I heard the rain hit the window. Guess that means I'll be sprinting to the bakery this morning. I hurried out of bed and into a light green dress. It was the same color as the grass almost. Mostly lighter though. I wrapped the apron over it and put my slippers on as well. I grasped my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I was almost out the door when I realized that I hadn't even done anything with my hair. Haha.

I walked over to my table and ran a comb through my hair. I placed it back on the table after I was finished and went on my way out of my door. I walked down the corridor, looking through the windows as I went. I dreaded having to go outside in this mess. It might be the only time that I get outside of this place today. I went out the the back door and through the back gate. I ran across the field, as I did every morning but with more drive.

The lamplighters weren't even out right now, due to the rain. I hurried across the square and knocked on the door to the bakery. I was drenched now and my hair was somewhat down in my eyes. Paul hurried to the door this morning. Thank the Lord he was here this morning, I might've been standing out there for a few more minutes. He opened the door and I walked in. Rain dripped from my dress and my hair down to my face. "Well looks like someone got a shower this morning." he laughed.

"Yes, unfortunately I did." I replied supressing a chuckle.
Joseph came from the kitchen with a towel. "I think you could use this." he smiled.
"Thank you." I greatfully took it and started to dry my face off. My arms were still wet, so I took the time to dry them off as well. My dress was still quite damp though, but I dealt with it. I smiled and walked back into the kitchen where I tossed the now wet towel into a basket.
"Anyway, good morning." I smiled and chuckled some.

"Good morning." They both returned simultaneously with smiles.
"Nicholas! You better get going, you're going to be late!" Paul yelled up the stairs in the other room.
"Whoa, wait you have another brother?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing in the middle of my forehead.
"Yeah, he's the dreamer of the family. Even moreso than Paul. He wants to become a musician and writer. He has talent, but we said he should have something to fall back on." Joseph explained putting some bread into the oven.

"I see. So he must play piano then. As that's about the only instrument that I can think of at the moment." I said. "By the way, have I met him?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah, you should ask him to play something for you sometime. And yes, I think you've met him." he smiled at me.
"Oh really?" I smiled back as I heard footsteps from the other room. Soon enough, in walked Paul and him. That was the Nicholas they were talking about. I thought it must be some coincidence that his name was Nicholas but I suppose there has to be only a handful of them in the world.

He stopped as he saw me. "Good morning." I looked around the room and back at his face. My hand started to catch the spark from where he had held it in his last night. Why now, why not later. I wasn't ready to face this.
He cleared his thoat. "G-g-good morning, Lia." he smiled a crooked smile.
I needed to get out of here before I give myself away. "Headed off to the castle, I suppose." I said, trying not to meet his amazing, sparkling eyes.
"Actually, yes, though only for about an hour. Then I'm coming back here to help Joseph and then have the rest of the day off to do whatever I want." he smiled.

"Well good." I smiled back. I met his eyes, oh his eyes made my heart melt and my breathing get uneven.
"So how come you're here and... all wet?" he chuckled.
I looked at Paul who was standing behind Nicholas, who looked back at me with an anxious expression. "Um... I come here every morning to say good morning and see Paul's paintings." I replied.
"Oh, well then, I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other then." he smiled. "But what about the part of you being drenched?"

"That's easily explained by the weather." I laughed.
Nicholas chuckled and smiled at me. His eyes danced as he did so. The fire had disapated before but now it was coming back stronger. I wanted his hand to hold mine again. But why? Oh forget it, I can't help that I might like this young man whom doesn't even know that I'm the principessa. I am such a stupid person. Why couldn't I have said that it was me?

"You know what's quite interesting?" he asked.
"That would be?" I replied with another question.
"That you look strangely like Dahlia. You and her could be identical if paired up." he said with a chuckle.
I smiled nervously. "Well, it might not be a coincidence. For all you know I could be Lady Dahlia herself." I chuckled. Oh for goodness sake, that was stupid.
He chuckled. "Well, wouldn't that be something?"
I heard Joseph sigh in frustration and hit his face with his hand so it made a smack.

Nicholas looked over at him. "What's wrong Joseph?" he asked.
"Nothing, nothing." he sighed and returned to his work. "But you might want to get going. You might be late."
"Oh thank you." Nicholas replied and looked over to me. "Would you like me to walk with you to the castle?" he asked a little eager.
"Oh, I-I couldn't let you do that. It's fine." I said.

"But it would be nice to have some company." he smlied.
I smiled back. He just made me want to smile. "Oh, why not." I replied and looked over to Paul and Joseph. "Take care today. Stay out of the rain." I smiled and walked over to Paul. He gave me a quick hug and I headed out the door with Nicholas waiting for me. He was a true gentleman, we talked for a while and laughed at how silly each other looked in the pouring rain. When we got to the gate, I was upset. I didn't want to leave.

I looked up at the sky as we walked towards the door. He stopped me. "Well it was nice having company this morning." he smiled. "I suppose I'll see you later." he looked at me expectantly.
"Of course, and it was lovely talking to you." I smiled back. He did something I wasn't expecting. He wrapped his arms around me in an embrace and I froze until my arms wrapped themselves around his back. I smiled and closed my eyes as I leaned against his chest.

He let go of me and smiled. "I hope that wasn't too sudden." he chuckled.
"No, it was nice." I smiled back and blushed a little.
"Well I'll see you later, Lia." he smiled at me as we went inside.
"Same to you Nicholas" We went our separate ways and I smiled to myself as I felt the after shock of reality seep in. I could still feel his arms around me and being so close to him. It felt like nothing else. I just wished it could've been longer.
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okay, thoughts? banner included, i may switch back and forth with this and pictures or something...
but anyway thanks for reading :)