Dreaming of Acceptance

Chapter 7


(Dahlia's POV)

I hurried through the stone corridors to escape any fateful eyes watching me. My dress was still dripping with water along with my hair. All the days that I'd been out in the rain, nothing felt as good as to have it run down my face and my arms. It felt so refreshing, I felt like I was brand new. I turned a sharp corner and down another hall draped with tapestries of the Lucrea anscestors. All Lords and Ladies in waiting, all kings, no queens had ever ruled the Senate and kingdom. I had told my father when I was younger, "Papa, I'm going to be the first Lady to rule over the Senate." I would usually then keep walking with my arms outstretched, trying to keep my balance on the short stone wall. He'd always smile and roll his eyes at me.

The incessant dripping of the water on the stone had me paranoid. I was afraid somebody would hear me. I walked up the steps to my room. Walking around a corner, I saw the most unpleasant sight yet. Lord Marco knocking on my door and asking permission to enter my room. He would get no reply. I wouldn't reply to him, even if I was in my room.

"Dahlia, darling, let's talk this over. I'm sorry about last night, that was childish and ignorant of me. You know I would never harm you, nor would I put you in harm's way. Please, just talk to me." he pleaded.
When he had no answer returned to him, he sighed and walked away from the door. I walked towards it when I thought the coast was clear. Unlocking my door, I finally had escaped into my room. I dried my hair off and placed a bow in to tie it back. Someone knocked on my door again. "Dahlia, sweetheart, please let me talk to you."

It was Marco again. I walked with determination to the door, opened it, walked right past him, and down the corridor. My door you ask? Oh let me tell you, I slammed my door loud enough to be heard by the entire town. "Dahlia!" I heard Lord Marco say as an attempt to stop me. I did not stop, however, quite the contrary. I ran down the hall.

I heard footfalls behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see him running after me, gaining quicker and quicker. I ducked behind a shallow space between the wall and a door. Marco when galavanting past me, his shoes slapping the stone. I took my time going the longer way to the kitchen. This morning, I was not going to sit in with my parents, they were probably still sleeping anyhow.

I entered to find that breakfast was being prepared already. I was greeted by plenty of 'Good morning Lady Dahlia's and 'My goodness, we must be having a special occasion!' by Gretta, the cook's wife. A very well-fed woman, she never goes hungry. Her round face greeted me warmly and before I knew it, a plate was shoved in front of me. I spotted Nicholas on the other end of the room so I walked out to the table where I would normally eat.

No one was there except for me, I exulted silently in my head. I ate my breakfast without waiting for it to cool down any and the warm roll graced my mouth. Not as good as Joseph's, no his will just melt in your mouth. I smiled, I was upset that I hadn't grabbed anything there, though on the other hand I was glad I had walked with Nicholas. His handsome face crept its way into my mind again. That was something I couldn't help.


While walking aimlessly around the corridors of the castle, I was stopped by Emily. "Emily! I didn't think you would still be here, I thought you were home actually." I said as she embraced me in a hug.
"No, my parents and I are going to spend a few more days here before we must go back." she replied. "Since we were still here, Bailey said that Leonardo Da Vinci would be at the showcase tonight at Terrace Manor." excitement showed in her eyes.
"Really? Da Vinci will be there? Wait, is there still time to get paintings in?" I asked.

"I believe there is, but other than that I have some even more exciting news for you." Emily paused for a moment. "Paul, Joseph, and Nicholas were invited to meet us there to look at the works. Paul was so excited to hear someone say that, that when they said Da Vinci would be there he said yes right away!" she chuckled.
"Oh, that will be wonderful for him. Is one of his paintings going to be there?" I inquired.
"I believe so, yes." she smiled at me. "Also, you get to see that handsome young man that you danced with last night."

I nodded my head. It would be good to see him, but I had better dress like I am now in order to evade any questions. "You're parents are coming too, I've already talked to them." she smiled at me.
My face dropped. No, not my parents, they wouldn't let me out of their sight when we were there. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen Lord Marco's dancing." she chuckled.
"Nothing, I'm fine. What time does this gala start?"
"The carriage will be waiting to pick us up after dinner." she explained.
"*Grazie." I smiled at her and we both walked our separate ways.


"Nicholas!" Paul called to me. "Are you almost ready?" he asked.
"Just a minute!" I called back. I grabbed my sheet music and hurried downstairs.
"C'mon, we're going to be late." Paul ushered me out the door to the awaiting carriage.
It wasn't a long ride to the Terrace Manor, but I was impatient to get there. Paul was going to be showcasing his painting of the lake outside the outskirts of the town. Joseph was meeting Emily at the gala. I, on the other hand was going to hopefully see Dahlia, Paul said that she might be there.

We arrived at the massive stone building and walked inside. My eyes adjusted to the lighting of the candle chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Around me stood lords and ladies of the province gathering around paintings of some that I'd never even heard of. Paul smiled to himself and found the place he was assigned to put his painting. Joseph went off looking for Emily. I was left alone yet again and I went wandering into other rooms, empty because of the gala going on in the main room.

A grand piano stood at one end of a large room filled with tables and chairs facing it. I guessed that people held concerts here. I withdrew my sheet music out of my bag and and walked over to the piano. Pressing my fingers to the keys lightly, the notes filled the air around me.


"Dahlia, darling, come on!" my mother said as I rushed down the path towards the front gate.
"Coming!" I yelled as I finally got into the carriage. We were off in a matter of minutes and I was awaiting my time there. I had sent my painting with Emily so that my parents would not find out about it. I would be going by my name; the ColorMaker.

We arrived at Terrace Manor, at the time we were supposed to. The doors were opened for us as we stepped out of the carriage. I walked through the double doors and into the main hall. "Good evening, Lady Lucrea." I was greeted by a servant.
"Good evening." I said with a shy smile.
He bowed with grace and I curtsied. I walked through the room filled with people of the town and some even from the province.

I looked around and spotted Paul here already. "Paul!" a call rang from my lips.
"There you are!" he walked excitedly over to me.
"Have you seen him yet?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm.
"I was actually waiting for so that we could both meet him." he smiled.
I smiled back. "Oh, thank you!" I said.
We walked around until we spied a man with a beard and a robe on. "Da Vinci? Leonardo
Da Vinci?" I heard Paul ask.

"Yes? Who's asking for me?" the man asked.
"Hi, my name is Paul Jonas." he held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you my boy." Leonardo shook Paul's hand. "By the way have you seen this painting? It's marvelous, the colors are amazing."
Paul took a look at the painting. "Actually that's mine." Paul said shocked.
"Really?" he asked. "Well, young man, you are a fine painter. I love this, keep up the good work." Mr. Da Vinci patted him on the shoulder.

Paul stood motionless for a moment. "Did you hear? He likes my painting!" he smiled down at me.
"I know, it's marvelous!" I said back to him.
"I bet he'll like yours though, you did a wonderful job on it." Paul sincerely smiled at me.
I blushed. "Thank you Paul." I smiled at him. "Well I've got to take a look around here so I'll meet up with you later." I told him.
Paul nodded his head and I walked off to look at more paintings and such. I saw Leonardo stopped at mine.

He looked at me standing next to him. "This painting is beautiful, do you know who did it?" he asked me.
I looked around to see if there was anybody standing next to me. "Yes, you dear." he chuckled.
"Uh.. I believe it was done by the ColorMaker." I replied.
Da Vinci looked back at the painting. "Unbelievable work for a woman." he said, awed.
The color drained from my face. "Why do you think a woman painted that, signore?" I asked.

"I believe that only because a woman has the real eye for color. It's in her nature. That's why I think it was done by a woman, my dear." he replied.
"Well, that could be a very good reason why." I smiled at him. He had picked me out of everyone - okay well maybe not me persay - but a woman. He smiled warmly at me and went on his way once again.
I walked around the great room until I passed a doorway that was slightly open. There was music on the other side of it. Or rather, a note. A very beautiful note that morphed into few others.

I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. No one was. I took this as my escape into the other room. The music grew louder but it wasn't in that room, I walked through another open door to find a young man sitting at a grand piano. He began to play something that I'd never heard - it was beautiful of course - but not something that I'd heard. Like a magnet, I was drawn to the sound. I walked forward towards the piano, only to find it was Nicholas sitting there. His eyes were somewhat closed as he played. He looked like a master pianist.

"Nicholas?" I tilted my head to one side.
The music stopped abruptly as he looked over at me. "Please, don't stop, that was beautiful." I smiled.
"Hello again." he mouth formed a perfect crooked grin.
I walked closer to him and sat on the bench next to him. "Hello." I smiled.
"You really liked it?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck.
I nodded my head. "It was lovely."

"So you must be enjoyin- " he was cut off by my father and mother who had walked in the room.
"Dahlia? What are you doing back here?" my mother asked, alarmed.
I sat up stiffly. "Nothing, mother, I was just talking to, Nicholas." I replied telling the truth.
"Dahlia?" Nicholas asked me.
"Nicholas, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I just wanted to be accep-"
"Why? So that you could just leave me to go do everything you would normally while I sat back and watched?" he asked in disbelief.

"No, I wanted you to accept to me because, you-"
"Save your breath." he said and got up off the bench with a pained look.
My heart dropped. I stood up and started to follow him but my mother held me back. "Dahlia, never speak to that young man again. You're forbidden from his very presence." she said sternly.
"But mother!" I looked at her my eyes widening and my heart beating frantically.
"No!" my father stood in front of me blocking my last view of Nicholas' pained face as he walked out the door with a tear already streaming down his perfect face.

"No." I whispered quietly.
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grazie- thank you (: