Endless Dark


{ Pariel's P.O.V }

"She's not here," I said to Dean as we walked out of the diner. Dean shook his head in response.

"Maybe she had to see God?" Dean tried to joke - only for me to give him my death glare.

"It's not funny," I hissed. I was about to stomp away when Dean grabbed my arms in a gentle manner.

"Okay! Okay, I'm sorry," he sighed softly. That was when Smoke on the water started playing on his cellphone.

Dean held out his finger at me as he walked back into the diner, answering his phone call.

I sighed, tapping my feet. Talia is missing and that stupid jerk still has the time to answer his call. Could it be so important?

I turned around and jumped a little when I saw this tall guy with heavy tattoos looking at me.

"Hey Pariel," he greeted.

I quickly took out my silver knife and pointed it towards him. "Whoa!" he said raising both his arms as he took a step back.

I raised my eyebrow. "Who are you and how did you know my name?" I demanded.

"My name's Jimmy," he pointed behind me but I kept my eyes on him. "Zacky's band mate."

"Pariel, what are you doing?" I could hear Zacky's voice from behind.

I turned around and saw Zacky coming towards us. His eyes shifted from me to Jimmy.

"Why's your sister holding a knife, man? Is she a murderer or something?!" Jimmy was freaking out.

I opened my mouth and closed it before quickly slipping the knife into my pocket. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know - I thought you were -"

"Is there a problem here?" Dean's voice interrupted me.

Dean walked up towards us - eyeing Jimmy. "No, this is Jimmy. Zacky's band mate," I explained.

Dean nodded his head before he gave his fake smile. "Nice to know you," Jimmy extended his arms for Dean to shake. Dean, on the other hand, stared at Jimmy's hand before shaking his head.

"I don't really shake hands," he said before taking my arms to walk away.

"Hey!" I protested, jerking my arms away from him.

"We have to go now," I could hear the sense of urgency in his voice.

"You better get going," Jimmy said and when I turned around, he was smiling at me. "See you at the concert, Pariel."

I looked at Zacky who shrugged. "I'll let you know if I hear anything," he told me.

I nodded my head and waved as Dean pulled me away from them.

"What the hell?" I snapped, as he opened the shotgun's door of his Impala for me.

"Just get in," he snapped back.

I got into the car and he slammed it shut, quickly walking over to the driver's seat. He turned on the ignition and started out of the driveway.

"Who called?" I asked.

"Sam. He's found Talia," Dean answered, not looking at me.

"That's good, isn't it?" I asked, surprised.

"Uhm-hmm," he simply replied and I knew he wasn't telling me something.

I sat up straight, looking directly at him. "What is it?"

"What is what?" he turned to look at me for a split second.

"Stop the car," I said, having the feeling that some demons have taken over Dean's body.

"What?" he asked, a little defensively. "Why?"

"Stop the car," I demanded, raising my voice.

He muttered something under his breath as he stopped by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. I quickly got out of the car, slamming the door shut and started walking.

I could hear Dean running after me as he asked. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Stay away from me," I stated, feeling fear take over me.

"What the hell's got into you?" he snapped, grabbing my arm.

Defensively, I took out my knife slitting the skin on his arm. "Son of a bitch!" he snarled, pushing me back, causing me to drop.

I watched as blood oozed out of the cut I've inflicted on him. He stared at the cut before glaring up at me. "What the hell did I ever do to you to deserve this?" he angrily showed me the cut.

I started to shake. If I were to take a swipe at him right now, I might kill him - even though the demon would be gone. But I didn't want him to die. From the ground, I slowly dug for the back-up gun loaded with rock salt from the pocket of my jacket.

Realizing that I didn't answer, he stomped towards me. "Nevermin -"


I shot him with the rock salt, causing him to fly back as he dropped onto the ground. I quickly got to my feet, staring at the unconscious body before me.

That was weird. Dean didn't even try to hurt me. Was he even possessed?

I walked closer to him with little steps.

But why would he want to get away from the others, telling me that Sam had found Talia. I mean, wouldn't Talia call me herself?

"You've got the wrong person, missy," I heard someone behind me, causing me to jump.

Before I could turn and shoot whoever was behind me, the person grabbed me from behind, causing me to drop the gun.

His grip was tight as his arm snaked itself around my neck, stopping me from taking in oxygen. I struggled in fear only to have the person tighten his grip. I tried to jab him but was unable to hit anything solid.

The more I struggled, the more I was getting weak. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move a muscle.

I guess he knew that I was weak to fight him so he let me go, causing me to drop to the ground.

I stared into the dark sky as the guy looked down at me. He looked like he was in his early twenties, black hair with - demonic black eyes.

Things started to get a little dizzy. The noise around me started to seem far away. The last thing I could remember was the demon picking me up from the ground.

{Dean's P.O.V}

I could hear Smoke on the water start to play. I squeezed my eyes tight as the sound started to sound louder and louder.

Must get up. Need to get Pariel back to Sam and Talia, my mind told me.

Opening my eyes, the sky was still dark. I tried to sit up and felt a sharp pain on both my arm and chest area. "Son of a - " I muttered as I remembered what happened.

That crazy bitch shot me!

I groaned softly as I reached for the back of my head, realizing that there was a bump. I groaned a little louder this time as I tried to stand.

Smoke on the water started playing again causing my head to ache more.

"Stop calling already," I muttered to myself as I reached for my cellphone, putting my injured arm towards me.

"Yeah," I answered the phone.

"Dean, where the hell are you?" It was Talia and she sounded pissed.

"I'll get back to you when I remember," I mumbled, looking around.

"Where's Pariel? Is she with you? Is she safe?"

When she mentioned her name, "Your human almost tried to kill me! What the hell was that all about?" I exclaimed as I walked slowly to the road. I stopped walking halfway when I realized that my baby was gone. "SON OF A BITCH!" I cursed.

"What? What's wrong? Dean?" I could hear Sam's voice now.

"That bitch took my car," I hissed, looking around for my car - praying silently that I had probably parked it somewhere. But my prayers were unanswered.

"Who, Dean? Where's Pariel?

Pariel. Pariel. Pariel. What about my car for once, I thought and soon after, I felt my heart ached and I shook my head. I must be insane.

“She’s gone. I’ll be by the motel soon,” I replied when I saw headlights in coming towards my direction, snapping my phone shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
demon who kidnapped Pariel http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii20/pink_fairylover08/Chris.jpg

So sorry for the late entry! I hope you still like it though! :D
Comment please?
