Sea Wolves


"But how," I started after recovering from my surprise, "can you hear what I'm saying?" I was very hesitant as I said this, unsure if he would be offended by questions about his handicap.

Trase typed a quick message and showed me the blackberry's screen. I can't hear a word you're saying, but I was taught to read lips pretty well.

"Oh," I said stupidly, noticing that he in fact was watching my lips as I spoke.

What's your name? Was the next message.

"Megan Rider... or you could call me Meg," I said, tucking the ipod in my hand away in my pocket. Hopefully Trase hadn't thought I was trying to ignore him when I brought it out a few minutes ago.

You're new here, aren't you?

"Yeah. My family and I moved here from California just a couple days ago."

California? Sunny place. Well, welcome to gloomy Washington. You live in the Weeping Heron neighborhood, correct?

I was taken aback. How did he know where I lived? "Uh... yeah, we live there. How did-"
I stopped talking when Trase turned to the blackberry and I heard his fingers sweep over the buttons rapidly. His wavy brown hair fell over his face, and I couldn't help but stare.

He handed me the blackberry. I'm totally stalking you. jk. I live in the same neighborhood. I thought I saw you this morning. You and your family scored a sweet house.

"Thanks," I said, finding myself smiling a little. I gave the blackberry back, but for a while we just... looked at each other, I guess you could say. His face was nearly flawless and so angelic. I studied the long shaggy hair hanging down by his shoulders before my eyes shyly returned to the features of his face. Then he looked down at my side of the table, his brow knitting together in confusion. I became confused too as he started typing on the blackberry again. Then he handed it to me. Where's your lunch?

"Oh, uh... I didn't really bring any."

Trase gave me a goofy stupefied look. What, are you forgetful or anorexic? was his message. Here, help yourself to some of mine. I packed too much. He reached inside his sack of lunch and pulled out some kind of sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap. I was starving, so I accepted the sandwich gratefully.

A shrill screech followed by a chorus of laughter startled me. Across the cafeteria, I caught sight of the brown-haired girl Lillian darting away from the boy's table, her slender arms shielding her head as if from an impending blow. And it probably could have ended like that, had she not moved away fast enough. Because Jared was standing up now, his whole body rigid and his fists clenched by his sides. He wore half a smile, half a snarl. The smile was for his friends to let them know he was only teasing, the snarl for the girl to let her know that behind the show, he was pretty pissed. By now Trase had figured out that my attention was elsewhere; he followed my gaze and looked at the scene too. Lillian retreated to the safety of her girlfriends; they huddled around her and giggled loudly as Jared from the other table sat down again and turned his back on the girls.

I wasn't really sure what to think of what just took place. What wasn't to like about Lillian? She was so beautiful. Sure, her constant flirting could get obnoxious, from what I've witnessed over the past... two days at school. But in Cali a guy hardly ever refused a girl when she paid him this much attention. I asked Trase about it.

His answer was lengthy, so I had to wait a couple minutes before he handed me the blackberry. Lillian Fairbane is a bit of a flirtatious girl... but I think you knew that. She can get any boy in the school down on his knees for her if she wanted. But Jared is her brother. I looked up in surprise when I read this. Trase indicated with his hand to keep reading. They're always bothering each other at home, when they're away from the crowd. At least at school Jared has the sense to drop the feud, but Lillian continues it just to annoy him and get attention. Lil's kindhearted, though. She's not like the other girls. She's been my friend since freshman year.

"That's interesting," was all I could think to say as I handed him back the blackberry. I unwrapped the sandwich delicately and took a couple small bites, tasting turkey and provolone cheese. Trase slid his phone across the table, and I found a new message written on the screen. Have you met her yet?

I shook my head. "But one of the other girls invited me to their table yesterday. I was introduced to so many that I... forgot who I met, so I don't really remember if I met Lillian or not."

I'll introduce you to her soon.

"Thanks." The next couple of minutes were awkward as I ate and Trase looked out the window. I was never good at keeping a conversation, and whenever it reached a lull I didn't know how to react. Usually I waited until the other person started up again, but it didn't look like that was going to happen here. I made a sound in my throat, which was the result of me trying to say something but realizing that Trase couldn't hear me, and he had looked away so he couldn't read my lips. So I waited awkwardly for him to look my way again. When he did, he noticed that I had been waiting for him. I giggled nervously.

Suddenly Trase started signing rapidly with his hands, but he caught himself and turned to his blackberry. I could see that his cheeks were a little flushed and his smile looked embarrassed as he typed. Hey, if you ever need to get my attention feel free to tap me or whatever. I don't bite.

"Thanks," I said with a smile. "I'll keep that in mind. Um... so what's your family like? I mean... do you have any siblings or...?" I hate how stupid I sound when I talk.

I have a sister, was Trase's reply. Her name's Molly. She's only eight. And I have a mother... and my sister has a hamster... and we have a dog. Pretty boring, right?

"I don't think it's boring," I said.

Trase smiled. What about you? Have any siblings?

"No. I'm an only child."

I bet that's nice. Not having to deal with "broooootherrrrr, play something with me!" and "pick me up and spin me around!" or always being accused of stealing barbie dolls when really they forgot where they left them. I could go on...

I laughed as Trase's message trailed off, imagining the things he had to put up with every day. Trase grinned at me from across the table, chuckling a little himself. It was an awkward but sweet sound - of course it was only awkward because he couldn't hear himself. In fact, my own laugh sounded awkward and unfamiliar. I haven't laughed like that in a long time, or at least whenever I did it was never a true laugh with much feeling. I stopped myself quickly. Trase studied my face - I guess noticing the expression change - but his eyes still twinkled with happy amusement.

The bell rang sharply, startling me. I looked around, then back at Trase; he didn't seem to notice anything. "Um... the bell just rang. Time for classes again." I giggled nervously, attempting a silly exasperated sigh. Trase nodded and sighed with me. We gathered our things together and stood up from the table. Around the cafeteria, students were stirring unwillingly; some were already up and blocking the entrance with their bodies as they got in last words to each other. Amidst the sea of students I locked eyes with Jared. He was staring at me and Trase with a cold look in his eyes, his lips turned down in a small frown. I frowned a little back at him, wondering what was wrong, but soon I was pushed into the crowd and down the hallway, Trase behind me. I dove towards a break in the students and turned to my new friend. He looked at me inquisitively.

"I have Physics next," I said loudly over the noise, although it was unnecessary because he couldn't hear me anyway.

Trase had a message typed up for me. He showed me the blackberry briefly, and I glimpsed the words, 'I'll see you later' before he shoved the device into his pocket and walked down the hall. I saw the woman in pink meet him by the door of a classroom before they both disappeared inside. For a while I stared at the empty doorway, replaying the whole scene in the cafeteria in my mind. Had I just made a new friend? Would I sit with Trase again tomorrow? I could feel a smile on my lips as I remembered laughing with him before the bell interrupted us. He seemed like an awesome kind of guy, one that I wouldn't mind sharing a table with. In fact, I thought as I headed towards my next class, I couldn't wait until I sat with him again.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! This week has been so hectic for me and my family. :c
But I'm getting my driver's license today! So I'm pretty excited about that. <3