Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Baseball fun

We walked into my house and into the living room. I flipped through the channels till I seen ‘whitest kids you know’ I turned it on that channel.

“Dude this show is awesome.” Joey said laughing.

“I know.” I replied. After about 5 minutes into it, Leah came down.

“Hey Joey.” She said sitting next to me.

“hey.” He said.

“Do you not see me sitting here?” I said to her. She looked at me.

“And?” she said.

“Never mind.” I said to her.

“Where are Kane and Dylan at?” I asked Leah.

“Kane is in his room and Dylan is at the mall with his girlfriend.” She replied.

“Let’s play some baseball in the back yard.” I suggested.

“Ok, I’ll go get Kane and meet you out there.” Leah said getting up and going upstairs to get him.

Joey and I went outside and into the garage. I grabbed 4 mat things, 3 bats, and 6 balls. I set up the mats and set down the bats and balls. Kane and Leah came out. Kane had on a Los Angeles Angels jersey, baseball pants, and cleats. Joey and I just laughed. “Ok, Leah and Kane, you are a team and Joey and I are a team. First up to bat is Kane.” I said. Pitcher was me. Kane grabbed a bat and ball and came up to home plate. He threw the ball to me. Joey got behind him in case he missed. I threw a curve ball and he hit it…far. He started running and so did I. I grabbed the ball right when he got to third and I started to run after him. I almost I had him but he slide into home. 2 point Kane and Leah, zero Cole and Joey. In the end of this brutal game, Leah and Kane beat us 18 to 14.