Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Running with fear

May 12, 2006 12:00 am “Cole’s P.O.V”
This is when Dylan, Leah, Kane and I ran away from home. I was 14 years old, Dylan was the same age, Leah was 13 years old, and Kane was 8 years old. Earlier that night at 11:30 pm, our father (Uncle matt’s brother in law) came home really drunk from a party he had gone to. Mom was sitting on the couch and noticed he was drunk when he walked in. she started to complain how she doesn’t like it when he gets drunk like she usually does. (Happens a lot) This time her comments made him angry. He pulled her up off the couch and threw her on the floor and started to hit her. I heard her yelling and came out of my bedroom. I saw what was going on and ran downstairs. I jumped on my dad’s back and we both fell over.

“Cole stop your gonna get hurt, go back upstairs!” mom yelled. Dad pushed me off of him and I ended up cutting my arm on the coffee table. It hurt really bad.

“Go upstairs Cole now! Don’t worry about me.” mom said trying to get up.
“But mom…” “Go! Leave the house, take your bothers’ and sister!” she yelled.

I ran upstairs straight to Leah’s bedroom. “Leah wake up!” I yelled shaking her. Leah!” she woke up and sat up quickly when she seen my arm.

“What happened?” she said looking at my arm.

“Dad came home drunk and started hitting mom so I interfered and he pushed me into the coffee table and I cut my arm.” I said in one breath.

Leah grabbed my good arm and pulled me into her bathroom. She began to clean up my cut.

“Why did dad start doing that?” she questioned. “I don’t know why, he just did. Mom told me to get out of the house away from him but I can’t leave her here.” I said watching Leah wrap a wrap thing around my arm.

“Cole if she said to go then we have to leave. What if something happens to Kane?” She said knowing I would change my mind because Kane is my little brother and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him.

“Your right. You go get Dylan and I’ll go get Kane and we’ll meet in my room and climb down that pole outside my window to get out.” I said to Leah.

I went into Kane’s room. He was still asleep. I didn’t know how to tell him what just happened but I had too. First I grabbed one of his back packs and put a Volcom shirt in it along with a black pair of quicksilver shorts, boxers, socks, and his bathroom stuff in it. I walked over to his computer desk and threw his blackberry and wallet in the bag. I put the backpack on my back and walked over to Kane’s bed.

“Kane buddy, wake up.” I said shaking him lightly. He slowly awoke. “What?” he asked confused. “Buddy we’re leaving get up” I said slipping on his Etnies. “Where are we going? It’s midnight?” “I will tell you in my room. Do you want me to carry you?” I asked him. He shook his head yeah so I picked him up and headed to my room.

I sat him on my bed and soon after Dylan and Leah walked in.

“Cole is this true?” Dylan asked sitting next to Kane. “Yeah it is. Mom wants us to get out as fast as we can but I don’t know where to go.” I said looking up at the ceiling trying to think.

“Cole what happened?” Kane said looking at me. I told him everything. He just looked at the floor.

“How about Uncle Matt’s, it’s only 7 blocks away. We can take our golf cart there.” Leah suggested.

“Uncle matt’s, are you serious? Leah what 24 year old rock star wants to see 4 kids on his door step at one in the morning?” I said to her with a weird look on my face.

“Cole, he is our uncle, not a complete stranger! The rest of our family members live in San Clemente. Plus just because he is a rock star doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings.” She yelled.

I sighed and said ok lets go. I grabbed an extra pair of clothes, my wallet and phone and the golf cart keys and went over to the window. First everyone dropped their stuff out of the window. Dylan went out first, then Leah, then Kane, then me. Once we were all down, we ran to the garage. We hopped in the golf cart, started it up and headed out the driveway.