Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

On the road to Uncle Matt's

Everyone was silent the whole way there. After about 10 minutes, we arrived on his block. He had a really big house. I pulled up in his driveway and turned off the golf cart. We all got out and walked slowly up to the house. We didn’t think he would be up but he was. We stepped up on the front porch and heard voices. A bunch of guys talking and laughing. I was so nervous. There was a 50/50 chance of this going right. After about 5 minutes of standing there, Leah hit me on the back of my head and told me to ring the door bell.

“Ok!” I whispered to her angrily rubbing the back of my head. I did and about 5 seconds later, a 6’1 muscular guy opens the door.

“Oh my god, what in the hell are you kids doing here?” he asked completely shocked to see us.

“Well… our dad came home drunk and started hurting our mom so I went down there to stop him and well it didn’t go to well.” I said pausing to point at my arm. “And our mom told us to get out of the house before he hurts us. You’re the only relative we have in Huntington Beach. Everyone else lives in San Clemente.” I told him.

“Are you guys ok?” he asked. “Not really.” Leah said looking at the ground.

“Come on in you guys, let’s talk some more in the living room.” Uncle matt lead us in the living room and we saw 4 dudes sitting on the couch.

“Guys, this is my niece and nephews. Their having family problems so can you guys come back tomorrow?” Uncle Matt asked them. They said no problem and left. We sat down on the couch.

“Does this kind of thing happen often?” Uncle Matt asked us.

“Well dad you know is a big movie producer so he goes out to parties often and usually comes home drunk. Every time when he comes home mom complains about him being drunk but he usually ignores her and goes to bed. But this time I guess it got to him.” I said.

“Wow. Do you guys need a place to stay? If you do you can stay here.” Uncle matt offered.

“Yeah, thanks.” I said. “No problem. I only have 3 extra bedrooms so someone’s gonna have to share.” He said.

“That’s alright, Kane and I will share.” I said looking at Kane who passed out on uncle matt’s couch. “I’ll take you up to the bedrooms.”

Uncle Matt said getting up. I picked up Kane and started walking behind Uncle Matt when he said. “Here, I’ll carry him.” He said taking Kane out of my arms.

“Thanks.” I said following him upstairs along with Dylan and Leah.

He showed Leah and Dylan their separate rooms then took Kane and I to ours. He laid Kane on the bed.
“Night.” He said before he closed the door.
I took off Kane’s shoes and covered him up. I got under the covers too and soon I was asleep.