Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

First show in Grand Island Nebraska

April 3, 2009 6:00pm
Later this evening at 8:00pm, Avenged sevenfold will be playing a show with papa roach opening for them. Leah, Dylan, Kane and I were going to watch their set on side stage. Right now, Uncle matt and everyone else is in the dressing room. Leah, Dylan, Kane and I are walking around backstage. We walked past this door that was open. There I saw papa roach.

“Look Leah, there’s Papa Roach.” I said pointing to their dressing room. She stopped dead in her tracks and let out a piecing scream. I held my ears along with Dylan and Kane.

“Oh my god I love them.” She said jumping up and down.

“Let’s go meet them.” I said pulling her to their dressing room. I knocked on the open door. The lead singer Jacoby looked up.

“You guys fans?” He asked.

“Actually we are with Avenged Sevenfold. Matt is our uncle.” I replied. “My sister is a big fan though.”

“That was who screamed just a minute ago?” He asked smiling.

“Yep, that was her.” I replied. “Can she get a pictue and autograph from you guys?” I asked them.

“Sure.” Jacoby said getting up along with the rest of papa roach. I pulled out my digital camera and snapped a picture of them and Kane, Leah, and Dylan. Then Dylan took a picture of them, Me, Leah, and Kane. Then they signed some posters.

“Thanks.” Leah said.

“No problem.” Jacoby said smiling.

“When do you guys go on?” I asked.

“7:00pm.” He replied.

“Well that’s in about 12 minutes so we’ll let you guys go.” I replied.

“Come watch our set.” Jacoby offered.

“Ok.” We followed the band and we stopped on side stage. They walked out on stand and the crowd starting screaming.

“How are you all tonight?” Jacoby said into the mic. The crowd screamed louder. He said a couple more things then played Last Resort. My favorite song by them. I looked over and saw Leah singing along. Kane was banging his head. After a few more songs, I left Dylan, Kane, and Leah and went back to Avenged sevenfold’s dressing room. They were all sitting around. I sat down by Zacky.

“Where’s Leah, Dylan and Kane?’ Zacky asked strumming his guitar.

“Watching papa roach’s set.” He nodded and tuned into his guitar.

Finally it was 8:00pm, and the guys were ready. I followed them out of the dressing room. I stood with Leah, Michelle, Dylan, Kane, Leana, and Val side stage. They started out with Critical Acclaim. I loved that song. Their set lasted 2 and a half hours. They came backstage and we followed them back to the dressing room. They all grabbed towels and water bottles. They sat down on the couch.

“So what did you guys think?” Uncle matt asked us smiling.
“Sick!” I told him.

“I loved the solos the best.” Leah said. Dylan, Kane and I nodded in agreement.

“We’re going to a party later on papa roach’s bus later. Why don’t you get kane asleep on the bus and you, Leah and Dylan come down and join us.” Zack whispered beside me.

“Alright.” I replied smiling. We all went back to the bus. The guys took showers and got dressed. They guys and their girlfriends went ahead and left while Dylan, Leah and I stayed back to make Kane think we were going to bed too.

“Where did they go?” Kane asked.

“To some club up the street.” I replied. “Let’s go to bed.”

“Ok.” He said putting on his pajamas and getting in his bunk. A half hour later he fell asleep. Leah, Dylan, and I snuck out the bus to papa roach’s bus. There was people standing outside the bus talking and joking around and there were people inside. We went inside and saw Michelle, Brian, Jimmy, and Leana, Uncle matt, Val, Johnny, and Zacky sitting on the couch things talking to papa roach and drinking. We walked over towards them.

“Hey you guys made it.” Uncle matt said.

“Yeah. I finally got Kane asleep.” I replied.

We talked with papa roach a little longer then went to go mingle with different people. At about 3:00am, the guys were pretty wasted so we went back to the bus. Johnny got in the middle bunk on the left side, Jimmy and Leana got in the one above him. Uncle matt and Val slept in the back room. All the guys were going to take turns on the back room. Dylan got on the top bunk on the right side, Zack got in the middle bunk below Dylan, and I got on the bottom bunk on the left side. Then I noticed Leah didn’t have any where to sleep.

“Hey you guys took all the bunks.” She said. Zack poked his head out of his Curtin.

“You can sleep with me if you want. I promise I won’t bite.” He said.

“Ok.” She climbed in and over him. I closed my Curtin and went to sleep.

(Leah’s POV)

I climbed over Zacky and laid down. I turned to face the wall. Zack put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. I didn’t mind at all though. Soon I drifted off to sleep.