Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Show in Miami

*One day later*
April 8, 2009 5:30pm

(Dylan’s p.o.v)
Everyone was getting ready for the Avenged Sevenfold concert. Mom was excited to come. We all walked downstairs and packed on the tour bus. We got there went backstage.

“Are there any bands we should know about that are here so Leah can scream and get it out of her system?” I asked. Uncle matt laughed.

“No not at this show. But when we go to Columbus in a couple weeks, we’re playing with Atreyu and Buck cherry.” My eyes widened.

Oh my god! He said Atreyu. Leah loves them. Cole and Kane noticed too. We plugged our ears. Leah let out an ear piercing scream. Everyone one plugged their ears as well.

“Oh my god! Is there any bands you don’t like?” Zacky asked.

“The Wiggles.” She replied smiling. Zack just rolled his eyes.

Cole and I got up and walked around backstage while everyone else stayed in the dressing room. I peeked out the Curtin and saw all kinds of people there. We walked back to the dressing room and sat around with everyone else.

*An hour later*

7:00pm. Avenged sevenfold is just now walking on stage. Cole, Kane, Mom, Leah, Michelle, Val, Leana, mom and I were standing side stage watching them.

“Aren’t they good?” I asked mom.

“Very.” She replied.

After they finished, we walked to the bus where 20 people were standing. The guys started signing stuff and taking pictures. Kane, Leah, Cole and I ended up signing some stuff too. And Avenged Sevenfold’s girlfriends. After we finished, we got on the bus and went back to grandma and grandpas house. The guys went and took showers. Everyone went to bed.

(Leah’s POV)

*In the guest house*

“You guys wanna watch a movie?” Zack asked coming from the guest house kitchen.

“Sure.” I replied getting up and followed him to his bedroom. Dylan tagging along behind me.

Johnny was already in there lying on the floor. I sat next to him. Zack sat next to me. Then Dylan sat next to Zack. We ended up watching An American haunting. It was to this really scary part in the movie. I know something was gonna pop up because of the suspenseful music.

“Rawr.” Zack said grabbing me.

“Zacky!” I yelled hitting him on the arm.

“Sorry I couldn’t resist.” He said laughing. Everyone else was laughing too.

“You are mean.” I said crossing my arms and turning back to the movie.

“I’m sorry.” Zack said putting his arm around me.

We continued to watch the movie. We ended up falling asleep on the floor watching that movie.