Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Baseball, Hide and go seek

We all got in different cars. Uncle matt dropped off Kane while everyone else just went straight to the studio. We all walked in and sat down, while Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and Zack went into the practice room. 10 minutes later, uncle matt and Val showed up. Uncle matt meet up with the guys in the practice room.

“Any specific song you guys wanna hear?” Zacky asked.

“Play……Afterlife.” Val said smiling. They all nodded and started to play. And that’s how it went for the next hour. We all got up and went outside to sit.
“Johnny, go get the baseballs and bats.” Brian said.

Johnny got up and went inside to get the stuff. Soon he came back out with the stuff. Then we all picked teams. Jimmy and Zacky were captains so they chose who got on their team.

“I choose Amber!” Jimmy said. Amber went over and stood by jimmy high fiving him.

“I pick Leah, my BEST friend.” Zacky said looking at jimmy who stuck his tongue out. I laughed and went over by Zacky, high fiving him too. But we jumped up in the air like fags.

“I pick…Cole.” Jimmy said.

“I pick Brian.” Zacky said.

Well towards the end, Zacky, Brian, Leah, Dylan, Uncle Matt, and Val were on a team and Jimmy, Amber, Cole, Johnny, Lacey, Leana, and Michelle were on a team. We played until 11:00pm. Then we just chilled outside. We ended up playing hide and go seek in the dark with partners. Val, Lacey, and Michelle watched. Amber and I partnered, Cole and Dylan partnered, Zacky and Brian partnered, and Jimmy and Leana partnered, and Johnny and Uncle matt partnered. Zacky and Brian went to go count first while everyone else hid. Amber and I hid behind this big tree in the back of the studio.

“Oh my god it is so dark out here.” I whispered looking around. Amber laughed.
“COMING!” I heard Zacky yell.

I stayed quiet. I heard footsteps running around. I started to panic once they got a little closer before I heard what sound like brain say, “Shit it’s so fucking dark out here,” and turning around to find Zacky. I let my breath out relieved. Then I heard Brian say, “Hey I heard that!” and coming towards our direction. As soon as he was right behind the tree, I jumped up and screamed, making scream like a girl, before grabbing Amber’s hand and running to the front of the studio which was base. Then out of nowhere, half way there, I heard someone wrap their arms around me and pick me up. I looked up to see Zacky.

“Gotcha.” He said smiling.

“Zacky!” I yelled mad that I got caught. He put me down.

“Hey Brian, I got our victims.” Zacky yelled to Brian.

“Leah, you scared the shit out of me back there.” He said.

“I know.” I replied laughing. We played until 1:00am then we went inside and chilled out talking. I started to dose off on the couch.