Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Dead Memories in my heart

(Leah’s POV)
“So, what do you want to do?” I asked amber. She shrugged her shoulders. I sighed.

“I’m gonna take a nap.” I said lying down. Amber did the same.
(Zacky’s POV)
I am sitting on my bed trying to go to sleep but can’t. My mind keeps wondering to Gena. I really don’t give a shit about her but I can’t stop thinking about her. I need to stop. Lost in my own thoughts, I slowly feel asleep.

I walked into my house setting my bags down by the stairs. I’m finally home from a month and a half tour. I looked around downstairs for Gena and didn’t see her. I decided to go upstairs to see if she was up there. I opened the door to our bedroom to see the only thing I didn’t expect. A man on top of MY girlfriend!

“Gena! What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled at her as she stared at me wide eyed. The guy got of scared shitless. I walked over to him and started to beat him up.

“Zacky! Stop!” Gena cried. I punched the guy one last time before he ran out in the hall and down the stairs.

“What the fuck Gena!” I yelled at her.

“Zacky, I’m so sorry.” She cried.

“No you’re not!” I yelled again. She continued to cry. I started to pack some stuff in a suitcase.

“Zacky, don’t leave. Please! I’m sorry baby!” She cried harder. i continued to pack.

“I want you to start looking for a place to live. I’m going to matt’s for a while.” And with that, I left.

I threw my suitcase in my car and got in the driver’s side. I put my head on the steering wheel and cried. How could this happen to me? I questioned myself. I calmed down a little and called matt.

Me-I caught Gena with another dude matt
Matt-Oh my god man, are you serious?
Me-yeah, I don’t know what to do! I told her to stay in my house until she finds a place of her own
Matt-calm down dude. Listen, you can crash at my place for awhile man
Me-Thanks matt
I hung up my phone and pulled out of the driveway, going to matt.

I awoke in a cold sweat. I looked around and noticed it was still a little daylight outside. I looked at the clock. 8:12pm. I sighed getting up to get a coke out of the mini fridge. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until stopping on that metal show. Then I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it to see Leah and amber standing there.

“We’re you asleep?” She asked.

“No, come in.” I said closing the door behind them. “What’s up?”

“We we’re hella bored over in our room when we thought, why not be hella bored with my best friend.” Leah replied smiling. I smiled back. Then I continued to watch TV.

“You wanna go get something to eat?” I asked them. They nodded so I put on my pantera tank and grabbed my phone, wallet, and room key, walking out the door.