Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Party, ninja's strike no more?

(Back at the house)
“You want anything to drink?” I asked Kory as I got up.

“Just a coke.” He replied. I went into the kitchen to find Zacky and Gena making out on the counter.

“Come on guys.” I said going to the fridge. They quickly got off of each other and smiled. I rolled my eyes and went back into the living room, handing Kory his coke.

“Thanks.” He said taking it. I nodded and sat next to him. Just then Dylan and Cole came from the back yard.

“Are you guys gonna come outside?” Cole asked.

“I guess.” I said getting up. Kory and I followed them to the back yard where everyone else was.

“Hey Leah!” Jimmy said running towards me and sitting on my lap. I laughed.

“Hey jimmy.” I replied smiling. He got off my lap and jumped on Brian’s back who fell over.

“Dammit jimmy!” He said pushing jimmy off of him. We all laughed.

“Leah, go get the music.” Matt said to me.

I nodded and went into the house to get the boom box and the party CDs. I pulled it up on the table outside and put in a random party mix CD. Lifestyles of the rich and famous by good charlotte came on. Everyone got up to dance. We danced to a few more songs before sitting back down and talking about the guys going on tour.

“Zacky, you wanna do ninja attack?” I whispered in his ear.

He looked and me and nodded smiling. We both excused ourselves from the table and ran upstairs getting the costumes. We quickly put them on and grabbed our guns. We went downstairs making sure everyone was still outside. Instead of going out the back door, we went out the front.

“You go on that side and I’ll go on the other side.” I told Zacky.

He nodded and went on the side I pointed to. I peaked around the corner to see Zacky doing the same. I nodded at him and we ran out, shooting everyone. They all screamed and cussed us out will we chased them around the yard. Then I felt myself being picked up.

“Put me down.” I said trying to get free. I looked over to see matt laughing while he ran with me. Then he threw me at Zacky, making us fall.

“Ow.” We both said lying on the ground. Then jimmy and Brian took our guns and started shooting us with them.

“Does it feel good?” Brian asked. Zacky and I just laid there cured up in balls til they ran out of bullets. We slowly got up.

“You guys are so mean.” I said crossing my arms.

“Well now you know how it feels to get shot at.” Brian said. I sighed. We all walked back up to the back porch and sat down. I took off my mask as did Zacky.

“I guess our ninja days are over.” I said putting my mask on the table. Zacky nodded in agreement.

“Thank god, no more torture.” Brian said. Zacky and I rolled our eyes at him.
“You ok?” Kory asked.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I replied smiling. He nodded. The rest of the time, all the guys were acting stupid. At around 2, everyone was pretty tired.

“Thanks for coming.” I said hugging Kory before he was about to leave.

“No problem, I had a great time.” He said hugging me back. I smiled.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He said as he walked out the front door. Once again, everyone crashed at our place. I went upstairs and into my room. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.