Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold Concert

June 21, 2009 10:00am
(Leah’s POV)

I awoke to my cell phone ringing. I groaned and sat up, reaching for it off the night table. I looked at the caller I.D to see Dylan on the screen.

Dylan-We’re going out to eat in 15 minutes, get ready

I put the phone back on the table and got up to get some clothes. Thanks for giving me enough time! I thought grabbing my Misfits tee and a pair of Volcom shorts. I put that on and slipped on some adidas sandals. I went into the bathroom and did my hair and makeup. 5 minutes later, I finished getting ready. I grabbed my purse and put my phone and room key in it. I stepped out into the hall at the same Zacky and Gena did. I noticed Zacky had on the same shirt as me. We both stared at each other smiling.

“This is weird.” Zacky said.

I nodded in agreement laughing. He stated to laugh to. Just then, matt came out. He said hi to Zacky and Gena then looked at me. He looked back at Zacky then back at me.

“Did you guys plan this?” He asked pointing to our shirts.

“It just happened.” I said.

He smiled as everyone else came out of their rooms. We all left and went downstairs. We got into those escalades and went to find someplace to eat. We went to a place called La Terraza for breakfast. It was an Italian restaurant, my favorite kind of food. Dylan, Cole, Kane, and I were half Italian actually because our dad was Italian. He taught us how to speak Italian since we were little. We all ordered and began to eat.

“Hei Cole, ois fud iz gud rait?” I asked Cole in Italian. I said hey Cole, this food is good right? He looked at me and smiled.

“It iz faen’taestik!” He replied. He said it is Fantastic! I nodded. I looked up from my plate to see everyone staring at us weird.

“What the hell were you guys just speaking?” Jimmy asked us.

“Italian.” Cole replied. They all slowly nodded and went back to eating. Soon, we all got done and went around exploring Mexico City. Hanging out and taking pictures.

“Hey, we gotta head to the venue.” Matt said.

We all got in the escalades and went to the venue. We pulled in the back to see Metallica’s and the guys tour buses. We got out and went through the back entrance. Soon, we saw Metallica sitting at a table talking. They noticed we all walked in and got up to greet us. We all walked around the venue to see what it looks like. We walked on the stage and seen the roadies setting up. We went back to where we originally were and sat down talking.

“So, you guys wanna show me your skills?” Lars asked.

“Sure.” Cole said. They lead us all into a room full of instruments. Cole and Dylan went over to get a guitar and bass.

“I got you covered Leah, I’ll be back.” Zacky said going out of the room to their dressing room to grab one of his guitars.

“What’s wrong with our guitars?” James asked coming over to me.

“I’m left handed.” I said shyly.

“Oh, that’s cool.” He said smiling. I smiled back. Right then Zacky came back with his 6661 guitar. I took it from him and put it around me. We plugged our guitars into the amps.

“Do you guys have a drummer?” Lars asked noticing none of us had gotten behind the drum set in there.

“Our drummer, who is also our little brother, is getting his cast off his leg.” Dylan replied. Lars nodded.

“How old is he?” James asked.

“He’s 10.” Dylan replied. They all looked shocked. Dylan, Cole, and I smiled.

“Let’s play one of avenged sevenfold’s songs!” I suggested. All the guys smiled.

“Alright, what about afterlife?” Cole asked. Dylan and I nodded.

“I’ll play drums if you want me to.” Jimmy said.

“Sure, come on jimmy.” I said. He smiled and went over to the drums. Cole, Dylan and I stood in front of the mics in there and began the song.

(After Song)

“Wow, you guys are really good.” James said.

“Thanks.” Dylan said putting down his bass.

Cole and I put down our guitars. The rest of Metallica agreed. The rest of the time backstage was spent talking, the guys doing vocal warm ups which was funny and random stuff. Soon, it was show time and avenged sevenfold went on stage first. Cole, Dylan, me and Metallica stood side stage watching them. After avenged sevenfold’s set, Metallica went on. After the concert, we all went back stage. The guys were going to go out with Metallica to party and we had to stay back at the hotel because we weren’t old enough. I hate being young. They dropped us off at the hotel and sped off to a club.

“This sucks man.” I said as Cole, Dylan and I walked into the hotel.

“I know.” Cole replied. We got on an elevator and went to the fourth floor.

“Wanna come hang in our room?” Dylan asked. I nodded and followed them in there. We all sat on the beds and talked about all kinds of crap.

“Let’s play poker, I brought the set.” Cole said getting up and going over to his suitcase. Dylan and I sat at the table while Cole put the two little cases of poker chips on the table. He grabbed a pack of poker cards and shuffled them. Poker really made time fly because it was now 3 am. I heard someone yell out in the hall then a loud thud. Cole, Dylan, and I went and opened the door. Zacky was laying flat on his back with Brian on top of him. Everyone one else was standing around laughing.

“What is wrong with you guys?” I asked shaking my head.

“Hey lee, what’s up my homie?” Zacky asked pushing Brian off and getting up, only to fall down.

“How did you guys get home?” I asked helping Zacky stand up.

“Lars doesn’t drink.” Brian said smiling really big. I rolled my eyes. I looked at everyone.

“Is there anyone not entirely drunk?” I asked. Everyone smiled.

“I guess that’s a no.” I replied. Then I heard a yell and a thud. I quickly turned around to see jimmy lying on Brian. I laughed.

“We’re gonna get kicked out of the hotel guys, come on let’s get you to your rooms.” I said. Cole, Dylan, and I helped everyone to their rooms. After about 15 minutes, we finally got them in their rooms. I went into mine and called it a night.