Sequel: All Grown Up

Story of My Life

The kids' mom show up

We walked back upstairs to the living room.

“So what kind of music do you guys listen to?” uncle matt asked us.

“Mostly rock. Like Metallica, pantera, blink 182, iron maiden, slipknot, disturbed, and green day.” I said.

“Cool, were big Metallica fans.” Brian said.

After Brian said that, the door bell rang. Uncle matt got up and answered it. It was mom.

“Hey sis, come on in.” matt said walking back to the living room with mom (His older sister).

Kane ran over to her followed by me Leah and Dylan. We all gave her a hug and sat down next to her on the couch.

“Hey guys it’s nice to see you again.” She said looking at the guys.

“You too Amy.” They said.

“I just came by to drop off the kids stuff.” She said looking at us.

“Can we please stay with you mom?” Kane asked her.

“I wish you could sweetie but your dad has gone too far this time. I want you to stay here with your uncle matt. I’m going to go to grandmas in Florida for a while.” She said.

“When will we see you again?” Dylan asked.
“Soon I hope.” She said. “Well lets got get your stuff."

Everyone walked outside to help. We took all of Kane and mine’s stuff to the room we both slept in, Leah’s stuff in her room and Dylan’s stuff in his. Then we put our guitars and basses and drumsticks and stuff downstairs.

“Alright kids I’m leaving now I have to catch a plane in an hour and a half."

Me, Dylan, Leah, and Kane walked over to her and gave her a hug.

“I’m going to miss you so much. Send me pictures on MySpace of you guys ok? I try to call you every weekend.” She said hugging us.

“Bye mom, love u.” we all said letting go of her.

She looked at uncle matt. “Come her little bro.” she said to him.

He walked over to her and gave her a hug.

“Take care of yourself sis. Tell mom and dad I said hi.” He said letting go of her.
“I will.” She said.

“Bye guys.” She said to the guys giving them all hugs as well.

They said bye back and then she left.