You Can Sit Beside Me When the World Comes Down.

This story was inspired by I Am Legend and The Host, and will include various Decay Dance band members and/or other famous people that I obviously own. Each chapter will start with a flashback and Delainey May Carmichael is portrayed by Camilla Belle. Problems? No? Enjoy, and don’t forget to tip the pianist on the way out.

"I used to think to myself, if we were the last two people on this earth, that would be fine with me. Maybe I passed it off as teenage lust, just hormones and bad skin, but it was something more, and it was a test we both tried to cheat our way through.

Then it became all too true, we suddenly were all we had in the world. Then you left. I know you didn’t mean to, nor did you want to, but you left and now I am all I have to depend on. I still love you, I still miss you.

It’s been two months, three weeks and six days.