Dude Looks Like a Lady

Chapter 24: Sticks Up Asses

I completely ignored Gerard’s snide comments about the food, the coffee, my presence the whole lot. If he had a stick up his ass that was prodding some poor dieing creature that had been pushed up there then that’s his problem. I was not shoving my hand anywhere near his ass.

I wandered up the basement stairs and found some noodles. I love noodles. They are the food of gods. I made myself some very yummy noodles and wandered through to the living room to watch crappy TV whilst I ate my noodles. I love the comedy channels, so I switched to abc1 and watched Scrubs. It was a double bill, so I had to stay and watch both.

After I’d watched both episodes I wandered back into the kitchen and began to clean the surfaces and load the dishwasher. I glanced at the clock it was only 3 o clock. I might as well do all the washing too and try to get some of the cleaning done too. I wandered up to Mikey’s room and pulled all the washing out of his wash bin and changed the very used sheets. Smirking to myself I folded them open and dumped the rest of his washing and yesterday’s clothing in the middle of it. I carried the bundle back down the stairs and started sorting it out so I could wash it. I had to walk past the basement door to get to the laundry room. Just outside the basement door where two empty trays and a whole load of dirty cutlery and plates. I shook my head and loaded them into the dishwasher too, switching it on and resuming my laundry sorting.

As soon as that was on, I began my cleaning of the kitchen, the bathroom and Mikey’s bathroom before moving onto the guest bedroom and Mikey’s bedroom. I looked at the clock again, four thirty. I smirked, “Doesn’t time fly as you’re having fun?” I mumbled to myself sarcastically.

I ended up in the kitchen again, switching the load in the washing machine and hanging out the wet washing to dry. It was now five minutes to five and I could hear them packing up so I put the kettle on and began to make some more coffee. As they came up the stairs I’d just finished putting the coffee and biscuits out.

“How was practise?” I asked ambiguously.

They nodded generally, excepting Gerard who just glared at me. “It was good.” Ray told me. “Mikey’s a little out of practise but that’s more our fault than yours.” I laugh and shake my head.

“Nah, I think it’s a mostly his fault.” I tease him, “Not used to dealing with a wife and a band.” Mikey tickles me and kisses my neck.

“She’s a very good wife.” He tells them, “You look like you’ve been busy… and there’s washing outside.” I nod again and kiss him.

“It’s not like I could watch you practise is it?” I ask him smiling. He looks up at this comment and looks at the boys in his band.

Frank shrugs, “Lou would keep quiet… unless she thought there was something desperately wrong.”

Ray nods, “Tell us more about yourself Lou?” He requests as I dig out some sewing that needs doing for my label.

I cock my head to one side, “There’s not much to say. I gave up sound teching so I could follow Mikey about, separately if need be. I like tattoo’s. I love Mikey. I enjoy partying.” I glance at Mikey when I say that and watch him blush.

“Why’s Mikey blushing?” Frank asks, without thinking.

“Why were you panting when I opened the door to you?” I reply. He blushes and nods his head.

“So, do you like Scrubs?” Frank asks, changing the subject.

I nod enthusiastically, “I’d do JD any day.”

Mikey pouts playfully, “I’d do him too, to be honest.” We all laugh, apart from Gerard.

“I’m going Mikey.” He announces. Mikey nods and hugs him.

“See ya soon, bro.” Gerard nods, I stand and offer a hug but he completely blanks me. I shrug and turn back to my coffee.

That stick in his ass needs removing before it removes his brain.