Dude Looks Like a Lady

Chapter 36: The First Rose Fades...

I brought my gaze away from the pair, as Mikey began to feed Lizzie, to the roses in the middle of the table. To my horror one was beginning to fade already, did this mean that Mikey loved me less already? I know I was two years older, but I was also two years wiser! I sighed into my breakfast and held back tears that wanted to pour forth as I continued to cut the food into mouthfuls and bring it up to my mouth.

“Those are beautiful roses” Gerard began, “Who got them?”

“Mikey got them for me.” I replied, “Twelve shows love, as does one.”

Mikey looks up from feeding Lizzie and smiles at me, “I told Lou I’d love her until the last one died.”

Gerard looks from me to Mikey and gulped, “Mikey – those are flowers; they don’t last a life time.” Mikey looks at him and pulls a face; I’m already looking at breakfast so I miss the face. Suddenly Gerard gasps and I look up a question in my eyes to see him smirk.

Lizzie reaches across the table to touch the flowers, but Mikey pulls her back by her pyjamas, “No.” He tells me her in a stern voice, making eye contact and shaking his head. She pouts and wrinkles her nose preparing to cry, before casting a glance at me.

“No.” I tell her, absolutely firmly. She gasps a little bit and her lip wobbles before she glances at Gerard who just shakes his head at her, face deadpan. She begins to wail at this crossing of her will, but Mikey and I ignore it. Gerard glances from me to Mikey before finishing his food and loading his plate into the dishwasher and heading to watch cartoons. Mikey continues trying to feed Lizzie, but her wailing makes it almost impossible. Mikey sighs and raps her knuckles with one finger.

“Enough.” He tells her, her wails increase and he looks at me with a glance of ‘what the fuck do I do now?’

I smirk at him and pick her up, touching her as little as possible and dump her in her cot. I glance at the clock and walk back to the table, “She can stay there for a minute.” I tell Mikey. “Just ignore her. Don’t even look in that direction.” I continue eating my meal and Mikey does his, holding my hand over the table. Lizzie’s wailing quietens at this complete ignoring of her behaviour. She glances from me to Mikey and the ticking of her brain, causes her to stop completely. The minute comes to a close and Mikey fishes her out of her cot before sitting her back at the table, making contact and smiling at her, before starting to feed her again.

“I could get used to his parenting lark.” He tells me, smiling happily. “And it doesn’t come between us.”

I walk past him on my way to the stairs and a shower, I plant a kiss on his head, “I can see that. Both of them. My fears about your bonding are put to rest now. You two get on so well.” I tell him, smiling at him. He turns his head up and kisses me.

“Have fun in your shower, it’s my turn next.” I smile and nod before heading up the stairs.

I come down the stairs after my steamy shower to raucous laughter and the squeals of my baby. My motherly instinct comes into play and I storm into the kitchen, “What the fuck are you doing with my baby?” I look about and see my friends and close my eyes taking in a deep breath.

Frank looks up from tickling her stomach and smiles at me, “I’m saying hello to my beautiful goddaughter.” He offers her to me, but I shake my head going straight to the coffee machine. Jamia attempts to unhand Frank but he shakes her off, “You’ve had five months of fun with her already.”

I laugh at this and choke on my coffee. Mikey smacks my back and kisses me, “I’ve told them about my plan to have you guys come on tour with me.”

I smile, “Wouldn’t it make more sense have a bus for MCR and then a bus for FAG’s?” He looks confused, “Family and Girlfriends.” He still looks confused.

“Why are we having two buses?” Gerard asks, cuddling Lizzie and pulling faces at her.

“Do you want her to interrupt you guys all the time? She’s just sleeping through the nights, but she’s sleeping long hours – you’d have to be so quiet.” I tell him.

Gerard nods, “So why don’t we have one extra big bus?” He pauses, “And we can do quiet. I’m not having my niece separated from me more than she has to be. Or her father.”

I sigh, knowing that they won’t let me win this one, “Don’t complain to me when she grizzles all night ‘cos she’s sleepy or she stops you guys from partying or anything else.”

“Why don’t we stay in hotels over night as often as we can?” Bob asks quietly. “We can afford it.”

I nod my head slowly, “That would work.”

“Hotels are less expensive than a second bus – and we can pay for it with our money, I mean, yeah, it gets split between the five of us but I think all the girlfriends are coming.” I raise an eyebrow and Ray blushes.

“He means Christa and Jamia.” He explains to me. I nod slowly.

“I’ve never met Christa, have I?” I ask Ray he shakes his head, “Can I meet her soon?” He nods his head eagerly.

“She wants to meet Lizzie.” He tells me happily.

“Well, get her over here then!” I tell him mock crossly. He grins and races to the door. I sigh and Jamia finally catches hold of Lizzie, whilst Mikey has his shower.