I Am the Drug You Can't Deny

Part One.

[Im only making this a series because two people wanted me too. xD]

Ryan stared at me, his eyes wide. His bottom lip slid inbetween his teeth as he nibbled on it, tears streaking down his face. I sat in the corner, face flushed and my hands resting on my hips. I had only dated Ryan for about a week, promising to not take drugs.

But here I am, on the bathroom floor, holding a tab of ectasy in my hand. He wiped his tears away, and stared at me. I hid the ectasy back in a used packet of tylenol, and stood up, handing it to him. He swiped it, put it over the sink, and let the ectasy tablet slip into the drain. He turned on the water then stared at me.

"You.. You promised Frank." Those promising honey brown eyes were burning into me. I grabbed his hand, and laced my fingers with his. He facial expression didn't change. I kissed his cheek. Nothing.

"Im sorry," I sighed. I turned away from him, pulling out a tile on the ground. Pulling out a plastic bag, I handed it to him. He opened it and his eyes widened. He blinked back a few tears, before sighing. He lifted the toilet seat up, before ripping open every package and every sealed drug and flushing it. I stared at it for awhile before it disappeared.

Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist, "You have to understand that drugs don't fix anything. Don't make you happy. Don't do anything but destroy you. Im happy, and im not taking drugs." He rubbed my stomach, and kissed the back of my neck, "Please Frank, do this for me. I love you."

I took in a shallow breath. Do it for Ryan. Don't think about Gerard, Bert, or Pete. For Ryan, and no one else. No one else is going to force you....


"Your nothing but a wuss, Iero." Gerard shoved me away, and sat at his desk in the far corner of a deserted hotel room at Bella Muerta. They let him have it, "I can't believe that you got caught. Your listening to your boyfriend?"

"Mr. Way, I l-love him," I stared at Gerard as he stood up.

"No Iero, you dont love him. He's using you like the rest of the world has done. Now," he shoved a bunch of drugs in my hands, "Go take these to Bert and Pete's room. Come back with $900 or im fucking locking you in the closet again and wittle Wyan will worry."

As I stepped out, I thought about the closet. The only reason he uses it on me, is because he knows I have clausterphobia. He keeps me in there for about eight hours or until my panic attack comes on, and then throws me out, and beats me up, telling me to always leave with the right amount of money on hand.

I walk up a flight of stairs, and hear loud moans coming from Room 81C. I gulp and knock. Bert groans, and comes to the door. It doesnt bother him that he's naked when he opens the door. I stick my hand out, and gulp, "$900 for this bag of drugs." Bert slips back in, and Pete whimpers, as Bert takes out his wallet and hands a bunch of hundred. Frank counts them and counts $1300 but he doesnt say anything. He hands the cash to Bert and he smiles, closing the door behind him.

I walk in, and Gerard stands up. His laptop screensaver comes up, and its two vampires making love. Gerard always did have a sick and twisted mind. He swipped the money from my hand, and when he say I had $400 more then I was suppose to have, he smirked and handed me the $200, being nice.

"Buy your boyfriend something nice, you did better then I though you would," he sat back down, shook his mouse to return to his regular computer screen, and started typing in the money he was earning. I stepped out with the two hundred.

If Ryan knew I had two hundred on me, he would get suspecious. I put it in my bank account, as I always did.


Its almost midnight as I step into the house. Ryan is asleep, as he always is. He thinks I went for a little ride to ease my nerves. I switch on the lights and there he is, sitting on the couch. His eyes are scrunched from the bright lights, but they adjust quickly.

"I found your car in the parking lot of Bella Muerte hotel. Your seeing Gerard, Pete, and Bert again, aren't you?" I open my mouth to say something, but his hand slaps my cheek. It causes me to shut up. He was pretty angry.

"If your taking drugs, im fucking out of here. I'll stay with whoever will take me in, but for the lord's sake, Frank, stop it!" Ryan growled, and stomped back to the room. I laid on the ground, grasping my cheek. Thats one reason to never mess with Ryan.

He isnt as weak as he looks.