I Am the Drug You Can't Deny

Part Two.

I heard screaming for the kitchen as I look over a bunch of papers spread out on the desk before me. I was back in Gerard's office, and he was in an adjacent room, screaming at one of his many clients. He forced me to do his paperwork. I began writing as someone was thrown out of the room. I looked up. It was a skinny boy. His hat skidded across the floor. He collected it, and ran out, tripping.

When Gerard walked out, I looked back down at the papers. I wouldn't dare stare at him at the moment. His hand slammed down on the table, right infront of me. His eyes stared deep into mine. "Stupid whore of a drug seller. Comes back with less money then you did." He clasped his hands together and sat on his couch in the corner of the room. He pulled out a large book and began recording today's sales.

I kept writing before the door slammed open, and my eyes rose up from the desk. Bert and Pete stood there. They are always together. But it was for the sex, or Pete would have left. He's a sex whore. Gerard stood up, and greeted them.

"What do you need?" Gerard tapped his foot impatiently. Bert bit his lip thinking, while Pete stood there staring off into space.

"I want ectasy please." Pete cheered quietly, as Gerard walked into the adjacent room. Bert and Pete stared at me and I just looked down at the desk. I began shuffling through the papers, as Gerard came out with two tablets of ectasy.

"Two hundred." Bert sighed and handed two $100 bills. Gerard counted, then handed the tablets to Bert. Pete and him exited the office, and Gerard sat back down on the couch, recording yet another sale. "People are horrible these days. Bert comes and expects the drugs to be free. He must be sick in the mind."

I nodded, laughing awkwardly as I piled up the papers and set the in a drawer in there proper places. I stood up and Gerard thanks me for my work. Handing me a $100 bill, I walked out of the hotel and to the nearest bank to cash my money. Only seconds I walked into the house, Ryan was sleeping soundly on the couch. I closed the door quietly, his body shifted and sat up.

"Hey babe," he didn't look like he was sleeping, if he was, he would rub his eyes furiously, and then stretch. He sat there, smiling. Something was wrong.

I said nothing, but smile and walked to our room. Ryan came seconds later asking me what was wrong. I could be asking the same question.

"Are you hiding something?" He grew nervous, shook his head, then exited the room.

Was Ryan the kid that Gerard threw out?