Status: active;

A Recipe for Disaster

My Friends Are A Different Breed

[Izzy's POV]

I missed Anabelle.

That was just it.

That was now reason #483 why I hated school.

I sat quietly in homeroom scrawling in my notebook. I watched my best friend, Alex Gaskarth, walk into the room. Poor Anabelle never got to meet him before she switched school. Alex sat down next to me, casually flipping his hair out of his eyes. "Hi, Alex."

"Hey, Izzy," he said. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I muttered. "It's just... I haven't seen Anabelle for almost a month. It's shame you didn't get to meet her when you moved here." Alex sighed.

"You talk about her like she's dead," he said. "And since you never dragged me to a funeral, I'm going to assume that she's still kickin'. You're going to see her again; chill out."

"I know," I muttered. The bell rang and everyone filed out of the room.

"I guess I'll see you at lunch, Izzy," Alex said, and with that and a wave, he left for class...

And I was alone again.

I sat in my period four study hall about 2 hours later. I had no homework, no books, just boredom. I sat at my desk listening to my iPod with my head down until I felt someone lightly tug on my bright pink hair. I sat upright, looking right up at Alex.

"Alex? What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Being awesome," he replied, sitting down in front of me. "I was in study hall, you were in study hall, I figured you would be lonely." I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Alex," I said. He paused briefly.

"I wanted to ask you something," he said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" I inquired. He nodded.

"So me and the other boy in my band, the guitarist-"

"His name is Jack, right?"

"Yeah," he agreed. "He and I are doing an acoustic set and, uh... well, we, um... he kind of lost his voice and I need someone to sing with me. We were hoping you would sing with me."

"I sighed. "I don't think..."

"Please? You're the only person I know that knows the words to our songs! And you have the most prominent voice I've ever heard. Y'know, other than my voice."

I snorted. "Well, aren't you the charmer."

"Oh, yes," he chuckled. "But please? Please, please, please, please, please?" He begged. "Besides, you've never met Jack. You two would get along so well."

"Oh, Alex, I really don't know," I mumbled. "I mean, are you sure I could match your voice in harmony?" He sighed.

"Don't start with me, Izzy," he scolded.

I sighed now. "I'll think about it," I decided. Alex's eyes trailed to the floor, nodding.

"Okies," he replied. We sat in silence for a few moments before he began sifting through my backpack. MY backpack.

"Can I help you?" I asked, sounding somewhat irritated.

"I'm looking for something," he said, not looking up. Only moments later, he pulled a scrunchie out of my backpack. "Ahah!" I raised an eyebrow, watching him stretch the scrunchie around his head like a headband. It pulled his hair up awkwardly and pulled the skin on his forehead, widening his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. Alex paused.

"Um... I'm really not sure..." he muttered. I laughed.

Okay, so I wasn't alone.

By the time lunch rolled around, I was exhausted. I sat down at the lunch table next to Alex, watching him play with his food. He looked up and smiled, but he said nothing. "Uh... are you okay?"

"Izzy, would you do me a favour?" he asked. I blinked, sort of already knowing what he was going to ask me in the back of my mind.

"Um, that depends on what it is," I said. "The last time I did you a favour, I ended up at a country music festical with no shoes." Alex chuckled.

"Haha, that was hilarious," he said. I glared at him. "I promise; you won't end up at strange places without shoes. I just need to borrow..."



"Alexander William Gaskarth, do you really think I've gotten to really think about it?" I scolded. Alex blinked, shrinking back a bit. "How the hell did he lose his voice anyways?"

"Screaming." My eyes widened. "No, not like that. We were all joking around and trying to do screamo. Jack did pretty well, but now he can barely talk." I sighed. I was very hesitant to agree. "Please? The show is tomorrow. I'll introduce you to my totally bangin' BFF," he said ever so flamboyantly.

"If I say yes, will you just shut the hell up?" I asked. Alex paused.

"... maybe..." he muttered.

"Fine. Whatever; I'll do it," I decided.

"Haha! I tricked you! I'm not shutting up!~" he sang. "But I'll still introduce you to my totally bangin'BFF."

"I thought I was your totes bangin' BFF," I joked, pouting. He reached across the table and ruffled my hair.

"You're my totes bangin' female BFF, sillyhead." I sighed and rolled my eyes, taking a bite of macaroni.

"Alex, sometimes I doubt your heterosexuality."
♠ ♠ ♠
Now chapter 1 is done and out of the way!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Updates soon!
- -Xanny