One Step At A Time... An Emo Love Story

One Step At A Time ... An Emo Love Story

There was only one reason to live for in my life. That was definitely Matt Johnson. No, he wasn’t my boyfriend, but his beautiful face lights up my days, and those dark blue eyes that stood out with his shaggy black hair, just made him even hotter. He wasn’t popular; in fact, people didn’t normally go after him. He was just the boy who stood out to me, and a boy who people called ‘emo’. Maybe he was secretly crushing on me too, but the only thing he’s ever said to me was ‘hey, you got some toilet paper on your shoes,’ and he smiled. And even at that moment, the embarrassment overwhelmed me, but I remembered that he had just taken the time to say that to me, so that was a step further wasn’t it? Well, I thought so.

So this was another day at school, this time, it felt different for some reason. I had a feeling that something would happen today, but I don’t know if it was something good or bad.

“Hello class, today you’ll all be taking notes off the board and then will be assigned to work on a sheet for tonight’s homework.” Mrs. Elliot was a typical teacher who assigned homework, and made children’s lives miserable. God, I hate taking notes though, I friggen hate it so much, I want to kill it! Wait, I can’t kill it, but whatever, I guess I’m going to take these notes. It wouldn’t hurt my hand that much since whenever it did, I would just look at Matt and my hand would feel much better.
“Yo Lyss you got a pen or pencil I could borrow?” Ugh, Tyrell… the one person who I disliked. Actually, the one of the many people I disliked at this stupid school. He called my Lyss, when my name was Alyssa, god… I hate guys. Except for Matt!

“I do have a pen, but not for you. You might put it down you’re pants or something, I don’t trust you.”

“Psh, you know you’d be lucky if one of your pens got out down my pants Lyss. Hell, you probably want what’s in my pants in you’re mouth.” EW, EW, EW, EW, EW, EW!

“First of all, no I don’t, and second of all, EW!” I turned around and looked at the board. The teacher already started the notes, so I took out my pen and started writing until someone poked me on the back. Ugh who the hell is poking me? EW, don’t tell me it’s Tyrell!

I turned around to see Matt smiling his perfect crooked smile at me. I smiled back and asked,

“Hey, what do you need?”
“Ouu, why are you being so nice to her and not to me?” Tyrell looked at me and smiled. He totally had the potential to be gay, I mean it. Like, when he says ouu – oh shit what am I thinking! Crap, he must think that I like him or something, crap, crap. Holy shit.

“Dude, maybe if you wouldn’t be such a pervert she would be nicer to you.” He smiled at me and I blushed.

“So what do you need anyways Matt?” I looked at him and he pointed to Tyrell motioning for him to sit down.

Oh my god. He doesn’t want anyone else to see! Ah, what if he wants to ask me out! Crap. This. Is. Amazing.

“Here.” He looked at me and then opened is hand up revealing a little crumpled up note in his hand.

My face was definitely burning like a tomato by now. I was so nervous. What would this note be about, and why would he decide to give it to me now… on just a regular day?

“Oh, thanks, I’ll read it later?” I turned around and faced the teacher and presumed that the note would not be a big deal. I didn’t really think that anything big would be said in the note. Oh, fuck this isn’t good. This isn’t good AT ALL. I didn’t even talk to this boy and he was giving me a note. I rolled my eyes dramatically looking at the bold letters which creased across the front of the piece of paper.

The bell rang and I was eagerly waiting for the teacher to dismiss us but before she could people started running out the door, so me being the follower around here, I left too.

I walked up to my locker and leaned against it opening the note. Here’s what it said:

So, I kinda noticed your friend Jamie. I’m kinda into her. Tell her to meet me after school on the benches. I gotta talk to her.


Matt =)

I think my heart was going to stop beating at that moment. I liked him and he liked my best friend! What the hell. Why would he give me the note? Why wouldn’t he just fucking go up to her his own FUCKING self?! I am SO not going to believe any excuse that comes out of that boy’s mouth. I didn’t even expect anything like this.

“Hey Alyssa! What’s up?” I jumped up and put the note in my pocket quickly. It was my friend Jamie. Oh great, I wonder how she’s going to react to this.

“Nothing really. I need to show you this.” I handed her the note and she gave me a ‘what the hell is this’ face. I turned around and smacked my head against my locker.

“Woah, is this serious?” She looked at me and shook the note in her other hand continuously. “This can’t be true. You like him. I don’t! What the hell is this!? I can’t go and meet him after school! This is a travesty!”

“Contain yourself Jamie, its going to be okay… for you… and no, its not a travesty.” I shook my head in dismay and walked away to get to my next class.

“You can’t possibly be angry at me Alyssa, come back here.” She came running to me and touched my shoulder.

“I’m not, this is just unbelievable Jamie.” I shook my head side to side and looked at her and examined her really well. I looked into her eyes. “Listen, I know I’m your friend and all but Jamie, if you want to go for this, by all means… go ahead. If you think that he’s a nice guy and you think it would work, just go ahead. You’re my friend, and it’s not like I’d be mad if you dated him…”

“Alyssa…You can’t possibly tell me that I can go for him if you practically drool when he’s around! I’m not even going to remind you of how long you’ve liked him and how MUCH you like him!” She was basically screaming by now. I didn’t want this to turn into a huge fight over a stupid piece of shit, (yes, I did just call Matt a piece of shit.)

“Yes I can, Jamie. Just trust me with this one. I know what I’m saying, you mean much more to me than Matt.” I tried to contain myself but the words came out like a huge pain striking my heart. I still liked him – and thought he was hot, but I can’t let him get in the way of Jamie and my friendship.

“You know I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to go to the benches after school. I know what you want; I know that you don’t want me to do this. You’d rather me not be with him, I know it, and I respect it.” Okay, so she was right. Maybe I’d be a little annoyed if she dated him…

“Okay, that’s fine. Your loss.” I rolled my eyes and started walking to my next class.

“My loss? My fucking loss?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?! You better be.” She was screaming at me now.

“No, I’m not Jamie. See you later. I got to get to Math class.” I started walking off and noticed her literally stomping to her locker to make a more dramatic scene. Well then… I rolled my eyes and started walking faster to my next class.


It was the end of the day and I started panicking. What if Jamie was going to meet up with Matt because she was mad at me? Wait, no… I shouldn’t be negative. I should trust her. But what if she can’t resist his hotness anymore?