
Does Mikey like Frank Back? Or Not?

"Uhm, I was just looking at it?" Mikey said.
"Mikey? I didn't want you to know about this, I wanted to tell you myself."
"Why where you looking through my stuff anyways?!?!"
"I saw a "Frank's Journal. No one touch especially Mikey!"
so i opened it"

"I am sorry Frank! Really I am!"
"Well now you know I like you! I guess thats okay? Right?"
"Of course it is We can still be friends."

"Do you like me Mikey?"
"Well.., yeah kinda scenes Belville New Jersey High School I have."
"Wow Mikey that is touching, I mean no one has ever felt that way about me!"
"Well, Why not? Your a great guy."
"It was because I was Bi. Every one made fun of me for that."
"Well people are stupid and curl Mikey and you shouldn't let that bring you down!"
"Well it reallyt pisses me off because i let it get to me. And I know I shouldn't."
"Yeah you shouldn't Mikey there is no point."
"Well I have to get Dressed I will be down stairs soon."

"OKay I iwll be down there soon."