

Still Mikey's P.O.V

I went down stairs and I looked at some of the things that he had. He didn't have
much but just for one person living in here it was good. As I was walking around
and looking at stuff I notised a picture of Frank and anouther girl. I looked up stairs
to see if Frankie was coming down so that I didn't get in trouble again. He wasn't
coming so I took a look at the picture and set it down real fast. Frank was coming.

"Hey, I see you are dressed now." I said.
"Yeah, comfy PJ's."
"Hey Frank?"
"Who are those too in that picture on your T.V?"
"Uh, thats Jamia and I."
"Whos Jamia?"
"Jamia is my ex Wife. I a Bi too."
"Did you ever get made fun of like I did?"
"No. Well I did but I didn't let it get to me Mikey, Like you did."
"Yeah. Well now I go to Bellville New Jersey College."
"Yeah I know Mikey. We both do. We are just hanging out now."
"Oh right."

We sat there fr a few hours just talking about the school and how we got made fun
of and stuff. I really and getting to know him a little bite better but I dont know if
I like me like he likes me. I mean I am not going to say that, I dont wanna break his
heart. Jamia is pretty too. From what I have seen in this picture she is pretty.
I hope that isnt a bad thing.

"Do you wanna spend the night here tonight Mikey?"
"Uh, What? Right here right now? Well why?"
"Well dont you like me?!"
"Well kinda, I never really notised you in HighSchool or College."
"Do you wanna stay here? That is all I am asking??!!"
"Uhm, No I will just go home and caught you at school tomorrow. Bye"

Frank's P.O.V
I watched as Mikey drove away sad that he didn't wanna spend the night
but it was okay, I guess? I went up stairs to go to bed as I turned out
my light I was thinking of Mikey.