The Only Place I Want To Be

Chapter Three

Dr. Benson gave us a tour of the asylum, always making sure that he was in the middle of Tobi and I, and it hurt. I wanted to hold Tobi and tel him that we would survive this overly-sterile hell. Everything was to while, the walls, the tile floors, the beds, it was blinding. We were given white pants and tee-shirts, like the ones I saw people outside wearing, and were told to change in our rooms, Tobi's at one end of the hall, mine on the other.

The clothes were plain, not fitting, but it suited the place. Then, we were sent to our first group therapy session, or as Dr. Benson called it "Sharing Time"

Four other guys and girls looked up as we walked in with another doctor, who called himself "Doctor Kaling". He was young, with wavy blonde hair, and deep green eyes.

"Everyone, this is Tobi and Sophi," He said, showing us two seats, one on one side of the cliche mini circle and mine on the other side. It was like they expected us to start fucking each other right then and there.

"Okay, Amanda, would you like to start?" Dr. Kaling asked a young girl, probably fourteen. She stared at him with a bored look then began to speak.

"This week, I managed to last five days with out inflicting self-pain," She said in a monotone voice, and I saw white scars on her wrist, raised and painful looking.

"Good job Amanda, your already progressing, now, Luke, how about you?" Luke smiled and said, in a very gay voice.

"Well, I like, saw the most amazing guy names Tyler, he was visiting someone and he like actually smiled at me!" Amanda giggled, showing emotion and Dr. Kaling sighed.

"Luke, it is wrong to find guys attractive, you need to get better, okay?" Luke giggled, and examined his nails, showing that he wasn't going to talk any more. I liked Luke already.

"Okay, Sophi, since your new, why don't you tell us why your here, so we can help," Dr. Kaling said, pencil poised on a notebook, ready to write. I sat up straight and tall, looking "Dr. Kaling" in the eye and said defiantely.

"I'm in love with Tobi, my twin brother"
♠ ♠ ♠
Now, with Luke, I have NOTHING against people who are gay, m'kay, I just figured I would make him a stereotype gay.

Comments will make me work faster!