A Curious Twist of Fate

The Ghost of...

I cried out underneath my breath for the ghost who hovered inches in front of me. But, she couldn't see me, the same as how no-one else could see her. Through some curious twists of fate, I was given the privillage of being able to view her glistening transparent form.

The man who was restraining me, tightened his grip around my neck. I don't know why this was happening to me, but it must have been something to do with the fact that i was bad.

I knew that I was bad. If i wasn't, i wouldn't be stalking the streets at this dark hour. Nor would i have walked down the back alleyways of town in an incredibly short skirt. Although, the skirt wasn't really my fault; the girls from 'Da Southy Crew' had torn up my clothes so that they were "Fitting for a whore"
Not my choice of words, but that was how they were spoken to me.

I attempted to cry out once more, but the breath seemed to catch in my throat where the strong man's hands were clasped.

It was then that i realised, part of me was already dead.
It all fitted together remarkably well - the ghost not being able to see me, but me able to see it.
The ghost was a part of me, separated from my original body by the man's knobbly fingers.

I felt that it was my duty not to let a murderer back out on the streets, so i gathered some of my energy and punched out hard. I hit him straight in the face, and due to the crunching i felt beneath my closed fingers, i had broken his nose.
He let go and his hands flew to the left of his face, where his once-central nose was now placed.

I shakily stood up and stamped hard in between his legs. He bowed over in agony and I kicked his head hard...twice...fine, three times.

He was bleeding heavily, and i truly did think of calling an ambulance, but i saw the ghost float slowly down the alley, towards the open street. I followed, taking a glance behind me as i did so.

The reason for me attacking the man was so that he wouldn't be able to walk the streets, murdering vulnerable looking girls again, but in yet another curious twist of fate, i was now the murderer.

I realised, as his loud agonising screeches were getting steadily silenter, that he would never see the daylight again. I had left a grown man in an alley to bleed to death, not knowing if there were children and a wife, waiting tediously at home for his arrival.
But in retrospect, doing this I may have saved a wife and children from a harsh beating that they were used to several times a week, and had frequently visited the hospital for.

I smiled as it hit me that the second one was the most likely to be true, and I followed my ghost into the street, which was still bustling with business, even at 1 o'clock in the morning.

I couldn't have cared less about what was happening in the world, and as my ghost turned to look at me, I was lost in the amazingness of her glistening form.
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Please excuse any typos, i wrote this at 5 minutes past midnight and i haven't been sleeping well.

I hope you like.

PLEASE COMMENT!!! otherwise i wont write any more of any stories.
No one seems to comment except Abi and Libby [[love you two!!]]

So, thanks for reading =]