A Curious Twist of Fate


Still holding her hand, I dragged her through the door.
“Mum! We’re home!”

She knew where she was going, and headed towards the living room, with her fingers touching mine so that she could still see me.
As we stepped through the living room door, my mother looked up at us and put the TV on mute.
“What do you mean ‘We’re home’?”
I looked confused for one second and then suddenly realised what was wrong. She could only see me, not my ghost. And I had no other friend with me. I was, to her, all alone.
“Sorry, slip of my tongue. I meant I’m home!”

She smiled at me. Her pupils were heavily dilated. I knew she was drunk because otherwise she would be questioning me about my whereabouts at that time of night.
“Well, come and sit with me for a while then Lisa.”

I smiled at her but shook my head,
“No, I’m sorry mum, but it’s a bit late and I’m very tired.”
She looked at me with a blank expression for a few seconds, then burst into a huge grin,
“Oh, of course. Of course. Oh my darling little girl is becoming responsible!”
Her cheeks flushed pink with pride, then her whole face dropped and soft snoring sounds were emitted from her.

I looked at my ghost, who looked at me. We both burst into symmetrical laughter and started to make our way up the stairs, hand-in-hand.
By the time I opened the door and collapsed into my room, we were literally crying.

After we had calmed down slightly, I sat upright and spoke to my ghost.
“Wow. This is strange. It’s like having a sleepover with a twin!”

She yawned and looked over hopefully at the bed,

She leant backwards against the bed frame and her eyes closed gently. I finally let go of her hand when I was sure that she was asleep and climbed into my bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was long gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Damnit, it seems threats do not work...lol =]

Anyways, seeing as one person has subscribed i will continue to write this (plus i like writing it!)

Anyways, its a short chapter because it's only part of the actual chapter. But i wanted to post it seperately!
