Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 1- The beginning

I don't know where to go. I don't know where to turn. I need help.

My name is perdita, stupid name I know, I’ve had to live with it for fourteen years. But it means "the lost one", that's about the only thing that makes sense in my life, I am lost.

I guess you could say I haven’t had the best life. It’s been a pretty miserable life actually. It all started because I was being bullied, there wasn't a day that went past that I wasn't bullied, and all because of my name and my appearance. I have white hair with a few black streaks, my hair has always been like this. My eyes are such a dark brown that they look black, and my skin is white.

The bullying started when I was 9, there was a new kid at school. Before the new kid came everyone just left me alone, I had no friends.
I went into school just like normal walking all alone thinking about what I would learn at school. Then I saw him, the kind of kid that would do anything to get attention.

The bell went a few minutes later. I didn't rush to class like the other kids, I just walked slowly. I opened my classroom door to find everyone had crowded around someone, but I couldn't see who and I didn't care so I just went to my seat. I was half way there when someone shouted out "hey look it's a freak of nature" I turned around to see the new kid sitting in the middle of the group. Everyone started laughing. He looked at me for a moment.
“Oh My God she's even got black eyes!”
There was another burst of laughter and then they started chanting “Freak, Freak, Freak!” Over and over. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears, I started to walk back to the door. He got up and stood in front of the door.
“Where do you think you’re going freak” he spat

I tried to push him out of the way, but I felt weak. I was scared, I’d seen films about how people got beaten up just for being different. I pushed him again, this time I managed to push him right over, he looked really angry so I ran. I ran as fast as I could down the corridor, but he caught me and shoved me against some lockers, the whole class was in the corridor watching and chanting “Freak”. I tried to push him but it was useless, he was much bigger than I was. He punched me in the face and shoved me in a locker. A minute later I heard my teacher shout.
“What is all this racket about?”

Everything went quiet then she told everyone to go back into class, she came just too late to see me being shoved into the locker. I started sobbing, my face hurt so much. I couldn't unlock the locker from inside so I sat there crying. I didn't get out of the locker until the end of the day, when the cleaners came. They heard me sobbing and opened the locker to investigate. I got up and ran before they could say anything. I ran all the way home, opened the door and shut myself in my room. That's how I went from being ignored to being bullied.
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I know it's not a great start but please read on it gets better, I promise
I've edited this chapter a bit and i will be editing the others too