Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 10- At his house

Perdita’s Pov
I could hear a TV, I think it was on a random news channel but I couldn’t tell for sure. I stayed where I was. Just thinking. I tried to remember what happened last night.

After what seemed like half an hour I realised that I had ran away and the last thing I had seen was a tree, then I fell asleep. I slowly opened my eyes. I knew I wasn’t still under that tree. I was in a bedroom. The walls were covered with posters.

I sat up and looked around the room, I put my feet on the floor and I looked around the room again. I saw a chair. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the chair, frank was sitting in the chair. He looked so cute. He was fast asleep so I grabbed a blanket that was lying on the floor and put it over him.

I turned around and looked at the TV. It was the news that was on. I walked over and turned the TV off, I then looked around the room for a clock. There was one on the bedside cabinet. I looked at it, 11am, crap it’s Tuesday, I’m suppose to be at school, my dad’s gonna kill me when he finds out. Then I remembered. I ran away.

“Hey” came a voice from behind me. I turned around, Frank was sitting up in the chair.
“Hi” I said
“What happened last night? What did your dad do?”
“Nothing” I said, turning round and sitting on the bed.
“Well something must have happened, I found you asleep under a tree” he said coming over to sit next to me.
I stayed quiet and looked around the room at the posters again.
“Come on, you can tell me” he said putting his arm around me
I put my head on his shoulder and started telling him everything that happened.
“I can’t go back” I mumbled, my eyes filling with tears.
“I’ll see if you can stay here for a while” he said
“Thanks” I said as a tear slid down my cheek.

“Hey, cheer up” he said smiling at me.
I smiled back.
‘He’s got a smile to die for’ I thought.
I moved closer, I was about to kiss him when he turned his head.
“Let’s go get something to eat, you must be hungry” he said starting to walk to the door. I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“Do you want a sandwich?” he asked, breaking the silence
“Yeah ok” I said as I went to sit on the kitchen counter.

He made us both sandwiches and we ate them in silence. When I was finished he asked if I wanted to watch Nightmare Before Christmas. I love Nightmare Before Christmas so we went back up to his room to watch it. He put the DVD in and sat in the chair. I turned to walk to the bed to sit down but he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap. He smiled and hugged me. I feel asleep near the end of the film.