Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 11- Guilty thoughts

Simon’s pov (Perdita’s dad)

I woke up and looked around.
“Why am I in Perdita’s room” I said to no one in particular.
I had a huge headache. I sat up and looked around, the window was open. I went over to close it and turned around to lean on the wall next to the window. I could feel my head thumping. It felt like someone was knocking on my head with a hammer. I went back to looking around the room, the draws were open.

I walked over to them and looked in each draw. Most of Perdita’s clothes were gone. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 3pm. Perdita would be coming home from school any minute. But I was still confused, why were most of Perdita’s clothes gone and was I sleeping in Perdita’s room. I walked to the stairs passing not only my room but Sam’s too. I stopped at the top of the stairs and then walked back to Sam’s room. I went in and thought, I haven’t seen Sam in a while.

“Oh, that’s right. Sam’s gone to sleep round his friend’s house for a few days” I said, again talking to no one in particular.
“Not that I care about that little brat” I murmured.
I walked back out of the room closing the door behind me and walked down the stairs. There were empty beer cans everywhere. I didn’t remember drinking anything but it would explain why I had a huge headache. After picking all the cans up and putting them into the bin I went to watch TV.

Two hours passed and there was no sign of Perdita, I was starting to get worried. I picked up the phone and called her mobile, it was switched off. I went back to the sofa and sat down. Why wasn’t she home? Why was her phone off? Why were most of her clothes gone? What happened last night? Then it started coming back to me, she ran away, I threatened to kill her and told her to never come back! I ran upstairs and into Perdita’s bedroom, this couldn’t be happening, what have I done? I looked around her room again.

“She can’t be gone, she just can’t, WHAT HAVE I DONE!!” I yelled starting to cry. I looked around the room it felt so empty. Perdita’s stereo was on top of the chest of draws. I pressed play and listened to the song, she talked about the bands she liked all the time.

Tears started pouring down my face
“I’ve become an animal” I whispered “I’m a useless father and for all I know my daughter could be dead!”
I stood there for ten minutes thinking how much of an idiot I was and AM! Suddenly the doorbell rang, breaking me from my thoughts. I ran downstairs hoping that it was Perdita.