Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 14- Don't hurt her

Lucy’s Pov (Frank’s mum)
“So what did you two do today then?” I asked as we sat down at the dinner table and started to eat.
“Watched a few films, listened to some music and slept” laughed Frank
“Hmmm… sounds like fun” I laughed
“How was work?” Frank asked
“Not bad” I lied only looking at my food
“So Perdita, how long do you want to stay?” I asked changing the subject
“Erm….I….. I dunno” she replied quietly
“ What happened to your mum?” I asked
“What do you mean?” she said looking confused
“You don’t live with her do you?”
“I only see her every here and there” she said as her face went pale
Frank had froze, he was looking from me to Perdita… then he looked at me giving me a glare that said drop it.
“Hey mum can I have tomorrow off school? Frank asked
“Nope, I had to cover for you today I’m not covering for you again”
“But mum…”
“ No buts”
“Ok I’ll go in but what about Perdita?”
“Well she can go in too, but if you really don’t want to you don’t have too” I said looking at Perdita
“I’ll see how I feel in the morning… and thanks” she said
I smiled, she is such a nice girl. After we had finished eating I put all the plates in the sink.
“Frank did you set up a bed on the floor?”
“Ok you two go get some sleep”
“Ok see ya tomorrow mum”
“See you tomorrow Mrs….”
“Call me Lucy” I could tell be her pause she didn’t know our surname.
They started walking up the stairs, Frank leading the way
“Oh Frank can I have a word”
“Sure…. I’ll be right back” He said to Perdita as he passed
I walked into the lounge and he followed.
“What’s wrong mum?”
“She’s a lovely girl, don’t hurt her”
“Mum why would I hurt her?!”
“Why did you hurt Clare?”
“That was different! I would never hurt Perdita”
“I hope not… now go on”
“See ya later” he said as he walked out the room.
“Teenagers!” I laughed, “Wish I was one again” I said to myself as I put Sum 41-‘Confusion and Frustration In Modern Times’ on.