Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 15- Clare

Frank’s Pov
I walked up to my bedroom, why did my mum have to remind me about Clare? I didn’t mean to hurt her, I loved her. I opened my bedroom door, Perdita was sitting in front of the computer looking at something. I slowly walked over and put my hands over her eyes.
“Hiya” I whispered.
“Hi” she giggled
I took my hands from her eyes and looked at the screen, it looked like she was emailing someone.
“Who you emailing?”
“My brother, just to make sure he doesn’t worry, he worries to much” she answered
“Mmkay” I said walking over to the bed and sitting down. A few minutes later she came and sat down next to me.
“What’s wrong?” she asked
“Nothing” I answered smiling at her. She smiled back and then yawned.
“You look tired, get some sleep” I said getting up from the bed. She smiled and laid down. I walked over to the chair and sat down, after a while Perdita drifted of to sleep. I stared out of the window and started thinking about Clare. A tear slid down my cheek, I brushed it of quickly and looked over at Perdita. She was sleeping, she looked so calm. I put my hoodie on and slowly climbed out of the window, onto the tree and then onto the roof. I came up here a lot, mostly when I was thinking about Clare. Thinking about Clare always made me cry, I sound like a wimp now. I stared up into the starry night sky and lost myself in my thoughts.

The sun shone through my window waking me from a deep sleep. I sat up and looked at my clock, 9:00, I was meeting Clare at 10:30 at the mall. I smiled to myself, I love Clare so much I thought. I got up and made my way to the bathroom to have a shower. After a 30-minute shower I got dressed in my usual jeans and t-shirt. I went downstairs and got breakfast. Mum had gone to work, she works part time every weekday and Saturday. After half an hour of talking to some friends I grabbed my hoodie and made my way to the mall.
I got to the mall and sat down waiting for Clare. Ten minutes went by and she still wasn’t here, I looked around, I was sitting in the place we always sat, next to the flower garden, which was placed between the bench I was sitting at and the road. Another ten minuets past, it was now 11:00. I waited a little longer, I was getting worried she was only ever ten minutes late at the most. I heard a girl giggle while walking past but I was looking down at my phone at the time. I decided to call her, it started ringing. I looked up, I could hear her ring tone. It looked like it was coming from somewhere around where a couple were kissing. The girl put her hand into her back pocket to get her phone.
“Hello” It was her, she was snogging some guy right in front of me. I guessed she forgot she was meeting me because she looked totally surprised when I came walking towards her.
“Who’s this hunny” the guy asked. My face started burning as I got angrier
“I’m her boyfriend” I said trying to keep calm
“You wish” he laughed “I’m her boyfriend and she swore she would never cheat on me so I recon your just some jealous guy that has a crush on her”. That was it, I couldn’t keep my temper in any more. I went to punch him but he moved out of the way, instead I hit Clare. She stood there shocked and scared with a bleeding lip.
“Clare I’m so sorry” I said wiping the blood from her lip
“Hey get your hands off my girl” the guy shouted.
“She’s my girlfriend!” I yelled
“No she isn’t, get your hands off of her” he yelled swinging a punch at me which hit me directly in the jaw. I punched him back hitting him in the eye, he tried to punch me again but I got him in a headlock.
“STOP IT” Clare screamed. I let go of him and pushed him into a lamppost. I walked up to Clare and grabbed her.
“I’m guessing you forgot about today then, got carried away with cheating on me did you, you fucking slut” I yelled, I couldn’t believe I was saying this, I hardly ever yelled.
“Frank, he’s just a friend”
“JUST A FRIEND? YOU WERE SNOGGING HIM” I yelled getting angrier, my grip tightened on her.
“Ow Frank your hurting me, It was just a dare, I kissed him for a dare” she said tears springing from her eyes.
“JUST A DARE, IS THAT ALL I AM TO YOU? FUCK YOU BITCH” the guy shouted, I hadn’t realised he was right behind me. He started walking off.
“Dave wait!” she yelled. He ignored her and carried on walking. I loosened my grip on her.
“Your pathetic” I said, starting to walk away
“Frankie baby wait” she said grabbing my arm. I tried to get my arm back but failed, so I pushed her and turned to walk away. A loud scream filled the air, and then came a crash. I turned round to see Clare on the ground in the middle of the road. I ran to her and grabbed her hand.
“Clare, Clare, WAKE UP, CLARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
_________________End Flashback_____________________

I snapped back into reality, tears filling my eyes. I felt an arm go round my waist and looked up to see Perdita looking at me full of worry.
“Frank, what’s wrong?” I couldn’t say anything, my throat was too dry, yet my eyes were full of tears that wouldn’t stop pouring down my cheeks. I cupped my head in my hands. I felt Perdita come closer and then hug me. It was a very hot night but I was freezing. After a while I managed to clear my throat.
“Lets go inside” I managed to whisper. We slowly climbed of the roof into the tree and back through the window. I slowly got into the bed I had made on the floor and fell asleep yet again dreaming of that horrible day.