Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 16- PSYCHO

Sam’s Pov
After the phone call from my dad I got up told my friend what happened and ran out the door. My friend’s house was just two blocks from my dads. When I got home and unlocked the door I ran to the front room, he’s always in there watching TV and drinking. I got to the front room, but he wasn’t there. I looked around, nothing, but in the kitchen there was a knife on the floor. I looked closely it was covered in blood! What if Perdita came back, what if that was her blood. I ran upstairs and straight to Perdita’s room. There he was with his back to me kneeling on the floor.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!” I yelled before pushing him on the floor. I was about to punch him when I looked at his wrist. It was covered in a bloody bandage. I walked back towards the door.
“YOU’RE A PSYCHO!!!!” I yelled before running downstairs to the front door. I ran outside as mums car pulled up.
“HE’S A PSYCHO” I yelled as she got out of the car. She looked stunned for a moment.
“W…what did he do?” she asked
“First he chases Perdita out of the house then he starts cutting himself, he needs to go to a mental home” she ran inside. I slowly walked inside and followed her up the stairs.
“WHAT THE HELL!” I heard her scream. I slowly walked into Perdita’s bedroom where he was kneeling on the floor again
“I told you he’s a psycho” I said glaring at him.
“Simon this isn’t the best time to do something as stupid as this. I went round Bernard’s, he hasn’t seen Perdita since the day before yesterday. It’s really dark we have to report that she’s run away” she reported
“She didn’t run away, HE CHASED HER OUT” I yelled
“SAM STOP IT” she yelled at me. Everyone was silent, minutes passed, then finally mum broke the silence.
“I’m going to the police station to report her missing, Sam you stay here”
“No buts STAY HERE and look after your father” with that she walked out of the room and down the stairs. After a slam of the door and the start of an engine, there was silence again.
“No way am I staying here, I’m going to go look for her, stay here, there is a VERY slim chance she might come back” I started to walk out of the room
“Oh and don’t kill yourself while I’m gone, not that I’d care if you did” I waited for a response but there was only silence so I left to go search for my sister.