Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 17- back then

Frank's Pov
After waking up at 1am from the nightmare, i couldn't get back to sleep, and i didn't want to. I sat there thinking about clare, as far as i knew she had been taken to canada. Yes she survived, but she was in a coma for 6 months. At first when she woke up she didn't remember anything, but after about 2 weeks she remember the accident and she blamed me. She lied about what happened, she told everyone i got mad because she was hugging a guy that was just a friend and i pushed her in the road. Soon everyone began to blame me, soon i was alone. My friends didn't want anything to do with me, the jocks beat me up regually, even my mum didn't believe me. One whole year after that and i was still being bullied, i was depressed and fed up with life. On October 4th i did something i never thought i would do... I cut! i still regret it to this day.

I slowly walked to school knowing exactly how this day would start and end, exactly the way it did every day. I walked through the school gates half an hour late for first lesson. If i got to school in time for form i knoe i’d just be stuffed in a locker after, so for a few weeks now i’ve been walking into first lesson late. I’ve run out of excuses to tell my teachers and they’ve just excepted that i’m always late anyway.
I walked into my class and sat in my usual seat at the back. The jocks and preps began to wisper, probably planning what to do with me. I didn’t really listen to anything my teacher said for the remaining 30 minutes of the lesson, i just sat there thinking. What was i thinking? I was thinking of ways i could kill myself.
~-~Time elapse~-~
I’ve got 5 minutes until the end of second lesson. Yes i managed to escape getting shoved into a locker after first lesson, but they will find me. I hope sooner rather than later, i am going to get beaten up so i’d rather it be now. I was so deep in thought that i didn’t hear the bell ring. I slowly walked out of the classroom into the nearly deserted corridor. Yep, thought so, there they are, walking towards me like they think i’m scared. I’m so used to this now. They started telling me i had no life- knew that, then they called me all the names they could think of, most of them i had heard before and most of them they said twice because they were running out of things to say. I laughed at they’re stupidity, i earned a punch in the stomach for that. After that came more punches, then kicks, until they finally shoved me in a random locker. I sat in the locker with my knees tucked under my chin. Preps and Jocks are so predicxtable, they use the same tactics over and over.
~-~Time elapse~-~
It’s been 3 hours since i was shoved into this damn locker. Just one more hour until the end of day bell. I suddenly hear whistling from in the corridor, then footsteps. As the footsteps grow louder i can hear the opening and closing of lockers. The ganetor is so used to finding people in the lockers that he randomly comes and opens them when he’s bored or at the end of the day. The door of the locker swings open, i slowly get up and walk past him.
“thanks” i murmer as i walk past. I walk to the school exit, passing many classrooms .
As i head home i see the sun out but there’s a really cold breeze too. My mum doesn’t come home until 8, so i have loads of time to plan out my death and write a letter. As i walk past a park i see little kids, too young for school, playing on the swings. How i miss my old life, when everything was so easy. I got home after walking for half and hour, it normally takes my 15 minutes but my stomach and legs ache from where i was beaten up. I walked upstairs after unlocking the door. I needed to rest, i could hardly walk and i still needed to write the letter. I set my alarm for 5 and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
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Sorry the update took so long... for a while i just got lost for ideas. I will be updating again soon