Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 18- When i died

Still Franks Pov
-Still flashback-
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.
“Great, another fucking day of school” I murmured to myself.
I sat up and looked at my alarm clock, I stopped the annoying beeping and then looked at the clock more closely than before. My eyes were slowly getting used to the light.
5:01 I read.
I sat there confused for a minute, then everything came flooding back to me, I set my alarm for a reason. I got up and walked over to my desk, I grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing my last letter to the only person who even slightly cared about me anymore.
Dear Mum
I love you but my life is going nowhere. For over a year now I’ve spent most of my time in lockers. I’m sorry I never told you I was being bullied, I just didn’t want to worry you. I’m also sorry I disappointed you, I’ve never been someone you would be proud to call your son. My regrets are piling up and I o longer want to go on living. Please don’t blame yourself, I don’t want to see you upset. Go find someone and live a great life. I know you’ve been lonely since Dad left, he was a jerk anyway. I just know you’ll be happy one day. Take care
Love Frank X

I placed the letter on the kitchen table, Mum always makes a coffee when she comes home from work. I then made my way back upstairs. I wasn’t going to kill myself in a boring way. Like hang myself or overdose. Not that I would be able to anyway, I don’t have anywhere to hang myself from or any drugs. So my choice was to cut. You might think that’s a boring way to die too, but you haven’t heard my full plan.
I’m almost ready to end it. I’ve tidied up my room because I never bothered to when my mum asked me too. I’ve plugged my amp in and plugged my guitar into that. Now I shall play my final song. I never thought I was a good singer but I have feelings stuck inside that I only know how to show with words. I’m not that good at song writing either but I’m proud of this song that I have made. It shows exactly how I feel. I started strumming my guitar, as the plectrum hit the strings it made a sound that I found soothing. I stopped for a minute, breathing in the air around me. Fresh air was blowing softly through my open window. I stood there taking every smell and every detail of my room in. I was ready. I started playing my guitar, singing my last song. It was time.

Eternal hell
My life has been Eternal hell
And although I’ve tried to forget
My pat fills me with regret

For what she’s done to me
I will never forget
I will never forgive
What she did
What she did to me

I hate to think about her
But I love her all the same
And now you wonder why
I’m going though Eternal hell

To think,
Before she entered my life
I was happy, I was free
But then she came
I started going insane
I’m going through Eternal hell
Eternal hell
I’m going through Eternal hell


Eternal HELL!

When I finished, I carefully put my guitar back in its case. I walked over to my desk and picked up the knife that lay there waiting to be used. I headed to my window. I had a clear view of the sun and the hill behind which it would slowly disappear. The sun crept towards the hill, its rays shining onto everything it could reach. Ten minutes passed and as the sun touched the hill, I knew now was the time. Still staring at the mesmerising sun I held the knife against my wrist slowly dragging it across but making sure to press hard enough. I dragged the knife across my wrist a couple more times. It hurt at first but I was getting used to it now. I looked down at my wrist, I’ve never seen blood come rushing out of a person so fast. I glanced at the sun again, as it slowly disappeared behind the hill I fell into darkness. The sun will rise in the morning.
I won’t.
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Sorry the update took so long guys
and the song is called Eternal hell (obviously) and it's by me! that's why the update took so long.