Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 2- My Friend

Ever since that day I have been bullied. It's always in my head reminding me of how much I’m hated because I’m different. Even my parents hate me, they don't say it but I know they do, they ignore me and don't care about me. I don't know why I carry on, so many times I’ve thought about killing myself, so many times I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I started high school and still I felt left out and alone, but then a few weeks into year 7 someone started talking to me, I was surprised but happy, his name was Bernard, which means Courageous warrior, I get bored sometimes so I look up what names mean. Anyway, Bernard was really nice to me, he was the first friend I ever had. We've been friends for three years now, and he's stuck by me every time I’m sad. I will never forget the first day we met.

It was a sunny day and I was sitting on a wall at lunchtime watching everyone play games with their friends. A couple of giggling girls went past whispering, I heard the last words, “what a freak”. My face changed and I started staring at the floor, my eyes started watering. Bernard must have been watching me because he came over
“Don’t listen to them they're just jealous” he said
I looked at him, he smiled, I smiled. From then on Bernard has been my one true friend. From then on I cared about living.

We don't live far from each other so we walk to school together each day, I don't know how but Bernard finds something to talk about every day, he can always make me smile. He lives in a lovely house and his parents care about him so much, all his family are so nice, they don’t make fun of me because I’m different. The first day that I went over his house his mum made us cookies and gave us orange juice, I don’t really like orange juice but his mum was so kind that I thought it would be rude not to drink it, when I took a sip I was amazed, it was the best drink I’ve ever had and the cookies were delicious too. Not only does his mum make delicious cookies she’s also so kind and caring, the first time we met she said my hair was beautiful and she wished she had a daughter like me. I really felt like I was part of the family, I spent more time over Bernard’s house than at my own.

A year went past and we were still friends and then another year. I started to read loads of books, one day I came across a book about two best friends, a girl and a boy, and how they grew up together, it was a great story and I loved it, but then as I got to the last paragraph of the book my eyes stared watering. The ending was so sad that I hid the book and that is where it has stayed, I swore I would never read that book again. But one sentence was stuck in my head, “How I had loved him and how he had broken my heart without even trying to”. That day I realised something, I loved Bernard!
It was the start of year 9, everything was great, I didn't have a care in the world. Today was the day that I was going to tell Bernard how I felt. But as I walked over to Bernard’s house on the way to school, I had no idea how my life would change.