Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 22- Here in you arms

Perdita’s Pov
I found myself running through a huge forest at night in my batman PJ’s. I don’t know how I got here but something told me I should run as fast as I could, so I kept running. It didn’t take long before I was out of breath, I’ve never been an athletic person. I stopped to catch my breath, slowly I walked towards a tree and sat down with my back against it. A twig snapped in the distance and I froze. I sat there in silence just listening. Another twig snapped this time it was quite close, footsteps followed. Whoever it was they were walking in my direction, it was like the tree I was leaning against was transparent, how could they possibly know I was sitting here? Another twig snapped, it sounded so close. Fear rushed through my veins, whoever it was, they knew I was here and they were walking around the tree. I squeezed my eyes shut. All movement stopped, I listened for what seemed like forever. No movement they were gone. I opened my eyes, the fear that had left me just moments ago came rushing back.
“Hello bitch” I screamed.

“Perdita it’s alright your safe” I opened my eyes, Frank was hugging me. It was just a dream, just a bad dream. Frank let go and looked at me.
“Are you okay?” he asked. I was out of breathe from the screaming so I just nodded. Lucy came rushing in just moments later.
“Are you okay?” She asked as she walked over to me.
“Yeah... I.....Bad dream” I stuttered. She sat down and put her arm around me.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked “It might make you feel better”
“In a forest...... I was running away from him” I whispered
“Running away from who?”
“Dad” I didn’t have to say anymore. Lucy hugged me, holding me tight.
“Do you want any hot milk or Coco?” she asked as she let go of me
“No thanks” I murmured
“Okay then, try and get some rest okay?” I nodded and she walked out of the room. Frank pulled me into another hug and I buried my head in his neck. We must have sat there for ages just hugging, I didn’t care, I felt safe. He finally pulled out of the hug and looked at me, that’s when I realised he had red eyes and on his checks were dried tears.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been crying” He wiped his face with his sleeve and turned away from me
“Frank, please tell me what’s wrong”
“It’s nothing”
“Please tell me” I whispered
“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you some other time. Just get some rest for now” he started to get up but i grabbed his arm.
“I...” I didn’t know what to say.
“Go to sleep” He whispered. I laid down. Frank sat down on the bed.
“Try to get some sleep” he whispered before kissing my forehead and getting up. I grabbed his hand again, how could I say to him I felt safe when he was holding me? He must be a mind reader because he laid down and put his arm around me. I felt safe again. It wasn’t long before I fell into a dreamless sleep.
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I really have to update more often.... from now on i will try to update every... erm... okay i'll try every thursday okay? so you'll be getting another update soon (If i don't forget or am too lazy to that is)
hope you enjoy reading..