Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 23- Emailing and searching

Sam’s Pov
I felt so useless, I couldn’t find my little sister. It doesn’t help that I was the one who left her with that monster. I just hope she’s alright, I’d feel so guilty if anything happened to her. As I reached my house I dug the key out of my back pocket. I was so deep in thought I didn’t realise that everything was silent. I walked up to my room. I reached my door and was about to push it open when I heard sobbing. I slowly walked to Perdita’s room, the door was slightly ajar. I looked in to see my Dad kneeling on the floor sobbing again. I should have known it was only him.
“What’s wrong now?”
“W-why a-am I s-so stupid?” I paused and thought for a second.
“Am I supposed to be able to answer that?”
“It w-was because I d-drank s-so m-much. T-then I s-saw her w-with s-some guy and g-got angry b-because I didn’t want he to get hurt” I rolled my eyes.
“That’s rich coming from you. Bernard was probably walking her home and what does he get in return, you yelling your fa...” he cut me off before I could finish my sentence
“It wasn’t Bernard”
“WHAT?” I shouted making my mum run up the stairs to see what was going on “Now you decide to tell us?!”
“What’s going on?” my mum asked
“He forgot to mention Perdita was with a boy when he started yelling at her and it wasn’t Bernard”
“I didn’t think Perdita had any friends except Bernard” Mum answered
“Neither did I” I added
“Well what did he look like?” my mum asked
“He had quite long black hair, erm, jeans and black top and was carrying a skateboard I think” Dad mumbled.
“I’m going to make a few calls see if anyone knows this guy, it was Monday you saw him right?” I asked
“Yeah” his voice was really croaky. I walked in to my room and turned on the computer. After waiting five minutes for it to load I logged on and went on Msn. I instantly got a message from someone, I looked at it.
Ape Shit =D says: Yo Sam wot’s up?
I Don't Play By Your Rules, I Make My Own says: My sis ran away Mon night cause of the bastard. She was seen with a guy who has quite long black hair, was wearing black shirt and jeans and he carries a skateboard seen him?
Ape Shit =D says: Sorry dude he don’t sound familiar, I’ll ask around tho.
I Don't Play By Your Rules, I Make My Own says: Thx
I spent at least an hour emailing people to see if they’d seen either my sister or the guy, but I had no luck so I logged of and tried to get some rest so I could search tomorrow.
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Thanks to Twilighted-Beauty for helping with Sams Msn name
Thanks to all my readers subscribers and commenters i might update sooner than next thursday but you'll just have to wait and see :XD