Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 3- Her

I got to his house, I was so nervous, what if he didn’t feel the same way. I didn’t want to lose the only friend I had. But I couldn’t hide my feelings forever. I sat on the wall with my back facing his house, I just sat there thinking. I heard a door close but I didn’t turn around. Bernard looked like he was drifting along, he opened the front gate and I saw he was on a skateboard.

“Cool I didn’t know you could skate!” I said
“I just got it yesterday and I can already skate pretty well”
“Listen I need to talk to you” I said
“Hey I’ve got some news as well” he laughed.
“Ok then lets hear your news” I said, my nerves had taken over.
“Ok then, here goes” he said “……….. I’ve got a girlfriend!”

My heart instantly broke in two. Could this be true, please tell me this was just a nightmare. I loved Bernard how could he find someone else I didn’t think he knew any other girl.
“Please say something” he said.
“Where did you meet her?”
“She moved in next door yesterday, she’s great, oh be the way, you don’t mind if she walks to school with us do you?”
“No of course not” I lied putting a fake smile on my face.
“Great I’ll go get her” he said as he ran to her door.

I stayed sitting on the wall, I tried to choke back my tears, how could I be so stupid to think he loved me? I was just a stupid little girl with a crush on my best friend.
Bernard came back holding a girls hand, she was beautiful and I’m just ugly. She had blond hair with blue eyes and pale skin.
“Per, this is Ashley, Ashley this is Perdita” Bernard said
‘I hate you, you filthy tart, you look like a tart and your name is tarty’ I thought.

“Hi Ashley” I said putting that fake smile on my face again.
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you, Bernie’s told me so much about you” she said

‘I hate you so much’ I thought.
I smiled, “what’s he been saying about me”
Bernard was silent.
“Oh just how much of a great friend you are, and how he’s so glad he met you” she said

I smiled, but inside I was dying, just a friend, just a friend!!
I stayed silent as we walked to school, they didn’t notice, they were too busy laughing and giggling. All I could do was stare at the floor, my hair hanging in front of my left eye.
It’s all right they won’t see. One single tear slid down my cheek but I was right they didn’t see, my hair was covering it.