Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 5- The cute guy!

I got to reception and was about to ask the receptionist why I was sent there when Mr Fox suddenly walked into the reception.
“Perdita, follow me please”

Oh shit, I’m in trouble. I’ve never been in trouble. Everyone normally just leaves me alone. We got to his office and he told me to sit down.
“Perdita, your levels in all of your subject’s are going down and for the past week I’ve had complaints that you haven’t been listening in class. I’ve been told you were sent out twice in one of your classes and you still didn’t listen”

Wow news travels fast, that was only this morning.
“Perdita, this is unacceptable, unless I see I rise in your levels you will start getting detentions, is that clear?”
“Yes sir” I said staring at my shoes.
“Ok the bell is going to go any minute so you better get going. I will be phoning you parents if there’s no improvement”

I walked out of the office as the bell went. Who cares if my levels are low, I don’t. I walked to the gate hoping that I could be gone by the time Bernard gets there. I walked up to the gate, no sign of him. Yes! I walked down the road and there was still no sign of him.
“Per! Hey wait up”
‘Oh for the love of cookies’ I thought.

I turned around, but it wasn’t Bernard. It wasn’t even the annoying tart Ashley. It was the cute guy from the bus stop!!!!!!!!
I was speechless, I couldn’t believe he was actually talking to me. Oh my Jebus, he’s talking to me, I haven’t heard anything he’s said.
“….that’s kind of how I know your name, or is that your nickname?”
“Oh, my name’s Perdita” I said quickly.

He smiled, “hi I’m Frank, erm do you mind if I call you Per? It’s just you erm look like a cat” he mumbled. “A very cute cat” he added quickly.
“No I don’t mind” I laughed.
“Erm…. Do you mind if I walk you home?”
“Oh yes, I mean no, I mean sure” I stuttered

‘What the hell is wrong with you, a cute guy comes along and your babbling’ I thought.
We slowly started to walk to my house.
“So what kind of music do you like?” He asked
“Rock and metal mostly” I laughed.
“Same” He smiled

We got to my house after what seemed like hours.
“Well this is my house” I said looking up at the old Victorian building.
“It’s beautiful” he said
“Yes, it is” I agreed
I looked around and found him staring at me. I stared back into his gorgeous hazel eyes. His long black hair was blowing in the wind.

He moved forward, he was standing right in front of me, was he going to kiss me?
He moved closer, his lips were barely an inch from mine.
Suddenly my front door crashed open, I jumped from fright and fell over.
My dad came out yelling, I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but I heard some words. “Late, boy, tart”. The rest of his words were too slurred to understand. He had been drinking again.