Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 7- Running away

Perdita’s Pov
As I turned to Frank a tear slid down my cheek.
“I’m sorry” I whispered.
I went into the house without turning round. Why did my dad have to be so overprotective, and drunk!? I hate him so much.
I got into the house and walked to the stairs.

“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?” His yelling was really getting on my nerves now
“TO MY ROOM!!” I yelled back. I started to walk up the stairs, but he grabbed my leg and pulled me down.
“THIS’LL TEACH YOU FOR YELLING AT ME AND BEING A TART!!” He started to unbuckle his belt.
I know he’s drunk but he’s never hurt me before. I panicked and kicked him in the groin. He fell over and rolled around in pain.

Oh no, he’s ganna kill me. I got up and ran up the stairs. I shot into my room and locked the door behind me.
I stepped back staring at the door, then ran and got the biggest bag I could find, I started shoving all my stuff into it. I quickly changed my clothes and shoved my school clothes in the bag too. I ran to the bathroom and gathered everything I needed. I pulled on my converse and leather jacket. I could hear him coming up the stairs, he started yelling.

I finished doing up my shoelaces, grabbed the bag and opened the window. He started hitting the door. I was so scared I nearly fell out the window.

I slowly climbed out the window and started climbing down the drainpipe. The bag was so heavy that I nearly fell. I dropped that bag, it made a louder noise than I expected. But I could still hear my dad yelling so I don’t think he heard. I reached the floor just as heard my door crash open. Oh no he’s in my room. I heard him yell “where are you!” I had to run. NOW. I grabbed the bag and ran.

I ran down the road and heard my dad yell “and don’t you ever come back!”.
I didn’t know where I was going but I didn’t stop running.
After a while I got tired and had to stop. I was outside Bernard’s house. I couldn’t go and see him, he broke my heart. I looked at my watch it was nearly half 7, I turned around and started to walk down the street.

I turned around, it was Bernard, he was in his room with his head sticking out of the window. A minute later Ashley appeared next to him.
“Hey Per, come in” he shouted
I looked at Ashley she was glaring at me. I wanted to go in, just to annoy her but then I’d have to face Bernard. I turned around and began to run.

“Per, Perdita, come back” I could hear him shouting. But I wasn’t going back. I ran and ran. I had no idea where I was going.
After running for quite a while I had to stop. I was so worn out, I had no idea where I was and I was too tired to care. I sat down next to a tree. It was getting dark, but I didn’t care. I fell asleep.