Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 8- Worried about her

Bernards Pov
The end of day bell rang and I ran out, I couldn’t wait to see Ashley. I got to the gate Ashley was waiting for me but there was no sign of Perdita.

“Come on then lets go” Ashley said.
“I’m going to wait for Perdita, she probably won’t be long”
“She’s already gone I saw her walking out the gate about five minutes ago” She said
“She must have wanted to get home quick, come on then, let’s go” I said

We slowly walked home, I could hear Ashley talking but I wasn’t really listening. I thinking about Per, was she alright? She always waits for me after school. Maybe it’s because of what happened today. I wanted to help her but Ashley grabbed my arm every time I tried to get up.

I thought about Per all the way home, the only thing that stopped me from thinking about her was when we Ashley said she was going to change her clothes and then come over to my house. I didn’t really feel like spending every single moment with Ashley but I couldn’t be bothered to argue.

I walked in the house and got changed out of my school clothes. About ten minutes later Ashley appeared at my door. My jaw dropped, she looked amazing.
“What’s the occasion?” I asked
“These are my every day clothes” She said

She sat down next to me and began to talk about her first day of school. Every now and then she’d ask me a question and I’d just murmur something, I like her but she can get really boring sometimes. It was nearly half seven, I got up and went to my window. Someone was outside, it was Per and she carrying a huge bag. I opened the window and called her. She looked around and then realised it was me who had called her. Ashley came and stood next to me.
“Hey Per, come in” I shouted
She waited a minute and then started to run down the street

“Per, Perdita, come back” I shouted
I grabbed my shoes and started putting them on.
“Leave her, she’s probably just angry about today, she’ll get over it” Ashley said
“I’m going to find her” I said tying my shoelaces up.
“Don’t you want to spend time with me?” She asked
“Of course I do, but I need to find her”
“So you care more about her than me?” I could see she was getting angry but so was I.

“SHE’S BEEN MY BEST FRIEND FOR THREE YEARS, I ONLY MET YOU YESTERDAY!!!” I yelled. I walked out my room and down the stairs.
“What the hell is going on” my mum questioned
I ignored her and ran out the door. I ran down the street looking for Perdita but I couldn’t see her, I looked everywhere I could think of. Maybe she went home. It’s getting dark, I better make my way home I thought. I’ll see her tomorrow hopefully..