Help Me through this nightmare

Chapter 9- Found under a tree

Franks Pov
I woke up and looked at the alarm clock, it was half seven already! I was going to be late for school, I might not even see Perdita! At this thought I rushed to get ready.

Ten minutes after getting up I rushed from my bedroom to the kitchen, then from the kitchen (after grabbing toast) back to my bedroom. I finished eating my toast and got the last of my stuff ready. I looked at my clock… crap…. 8:05am I’m going to miss my bus, but more important I’m going to miss Perdita!

I grabbed my skateboard and ran down the stairs, passed mum who was also on her way out the door. I ran past my mum, said goodbye and skated down the road. All I could think about was Perdita. I turned into another street heading the wrong way. Oh crap… I suddenly realised looking behind me that I was going the opposite way. I turned round just in time to see a tree. But as usual my reactions are slow. I went crashing into the tree.

I looked up. All I could see was sky with some branches here and there. It took a couple of seconds to realise what had happened, when I did I shot up and grabbed my skateboard. I took another few seconds figuring out which way I should have gone. I started to walk when I saw something out of the corner of my eye move. I looked around there was someone lying beneath a tree using a huge bag as a pillow fast asleep.

I started walking again, poor person how comes they were sleeping outside? Oh well I’ve got to hurry up. Thoughts of Perdita poured into my head, how I got lost every time I stared into her eyes, how cool her hair looked…. I was at the end of the road, I suddenly stopped… her hair, that person sleeping under the tree had white hair with a few stripes of black. How could I be so stupid! That was Perdita, I turned around and ran back up the street.
‘I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot’ I thought.

I finally got back to where she was… she was still there, asleep. It’s good she didn’t wake up and go wandering about.
‘Hold on what is she doing sleeping on the streets in the first place?’ I asked myself.
I slowly went and knelt down beside her.

“Perdita, Perdita wake up”
She stirred for a moment and started to open her eyes. I brushed her hair out of her eyes, she was stone cold. Although it’s a hot day it must have been cold last night!
“Jeez, you’re freezing” I said, “come on. Let’s get you to my house”.
She just groaned and tried to get back to sleep.
“Ok then, just grab your bag” I sighed. She was only half awake but she grabbed her bag and cuddled it like a teddy.

I picked her up and carried her home. My mum had gone to work, so it didn’t matter if I took the day off because she comes home at 5pm.
By the time I carried her up to my bedroom I was exhausted, I put her down on my bed and she turned over and went back to sleep.
She looked so adorable. I sat down on my chair in my room and turned on the TV. But for two hours I did nothing but stare at her while she was sleeping. After two hours I fell asleep myself.